short update....tired - it is afterall the end of sunday and 2 days working until 4am at the Chez Paree....

but i should say i am officially not single anymore (though i have not been that available for some time) as acheron has once again taken me back to her as her official SO. Of course we are allowed to pursue others with the intent...
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blush Oh thank you. It is nice to be taken sometimes! You will be glad to be back with her smile You always seem to be so busy with shows! Hope your effexor wears off! skull
The Start Soma Video Game Art Party @ the Blue Cube last night was pretty cool. I have a tough time with big crowds and such especially over an extended period of time(It is amazing what a little beer can do to get one through the night and bring nerves and anxiety down to a manageable level), but overall the night was worthwhile both for...
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Beer helps at all occasions! try and keep up, hope you get all your stuff done! skull
glad things went well...im still feeling a bit lethargic..but all is good overall
i must have spent the last 2 odd weeks moving through life in some state of shock and drugged haze (painkillers, anit-anxiety meds - all prescribed) and this week it is liike the motion hasn't stopped, but i am no longer generating it but just being carried along with it towards some abyss.

i am falling apart, old monsters long gone keep rising up trying...
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Hang in their Bro....
Hope you're feline ok, was good to see you last night!
YAY - most all the stitches are out - the ones in my mouth need to stay for now and are the self dissolving kind (like you really wanted to know).

and things are strating to get back to ormal - normal being too busy for my own good - tasking on HTML jobs plus DJing 4 nights this week at the Chez (Wed-Sat) -...
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Im glad to hear that andd glad you liked my pictures too skull
I'll be in the studio in the mission for the next few saturdays. You could drop by for the ring then. If this is a good day for you please let me know.
recovering well- and will prob start running the cam again soon.

getting out of the house and DJ'ing at the Chez has been fun and feels good - the women (girls - whatever you prefer) reallly love having the abaility to choose fromm a lot of music and step above that crappy juke box. salem13 has great tatse in tunes as do soem of the...
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Sorry we couldn't stay longer on Friday, starvation got the better of us and then we hit the Cherry Bar and Thee Parkside.
I live 4 blocks from Chex Paree so give a shout if you're up for cocktails before or after.
That's very sweet of you - maybe Fri. But I'll call you...
what a nightmare our health care system is..ughhhh spent the past few days wading through phone calls and paper work to get treatment and meds.

at least i have fond out there is a Victims of Violent Crimes program where they will reimburse me for all expenses related to getting assulted/mugged/whatever you want to call it - they will even help pay for me to...
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House hunting (and moving especially) sucks big time. You may get lucky looking for live/work space on craigslist. From time to time, I'll see listings offering the mixed space (most of the time in Emeryville).

Sweet, an 8track? I haven't seen one of those in a while smile
Try the housing part of CL and do a search for "live/work" and another one for "live work". You might get lucky, though it looks a lot of the places are on the pricey side or have more features than you may be looking for.

Once in a while you may find something that works in a completely different way. e.g. for music, when i was looking for a rehearsal/recording space, most of the listings were for professional rehearsal spaces. But they were either too expensive or noisy. One day I got lucky and spotted a listing for a room, not to far from my apartment, in a warehouse that was already converted to a sound space. There's another guy that is renting another room in the same building that does art installations. He doesn't live there though.

Hope you find something!
i thinkthe shock of the other day is just turning into deprssion and apathy. I amout of pain meds and do not have a regular doc to go get more and can't stand the idea of sitting in th ER aga.

i had so much going on and do not feel like i can do anything anymore - like what's the fucking point - i...
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yeah, i live over on Telegraph and Claremont in N.Oakland/Temescal. and generally it's pretty safe. i can walk down the street late at night and it's pretty empty. but you never know i guess -- i heard a gunshot about a few houses away the other night. it's really a crapshoot.

don't think i'll be able to make it to Paree unfortunately. i might be seeing Secret Machines at the Independent.

hey, i might have a business proposition for you. i checked out your site, and i REALLY liked the stuff in your portfolio! especially the stuff done with the heat transfer process. i've never seen that done before and that's exactly the style i'd love to have for the artwork on the inside of the new album i'm working on. let me know if you do that sort of thing, and i'll give you a call this weekend and we can discuss.

take care.

Are your landscape images painting? They look really cool. I like Gerhardt Richter too smile
hi all - hadbeen having a great week and great time...then walking the 2 blocks to my local store (while i waited for the video from the minna show to render) like i do everyday life went to hell - or at least an enduring moment of hell.

i try to be nice to people - i try and smile at them and say hi...
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yeah, I can understand irrationality in a situation like that. Somewhat excusable though, he did mug you after all.
WHAT THE FUCK???...bro....im really sorry u had to go through that..
what a great time at Minna last night - and why i am up at 8am after beingout until past 3am i do not know....

i know i met a lot of people there and seem to have only a few names but i also know i handed out a lot of postcards(went with 50 and came home with 3) so those of you who...
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Awh... thought about going, but opted out...why?!
Sounds like it was a blast though!
No worries man. I just got a D70 so I'm trying to recoup some of the cost.

Man! An RZ! That kicks ass.
can life get stranger? i am sure it can - oh how sure am i - let me count the ways....on second thought let's not

but for now i can only sort of count these ways and they include:
1. getting accepted into a major group show (finally)
2. Havinga real gallery want to talk to me and look at my work
ok so this...
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GOOD LAWD U GOt many jobs >>wot you be jamaiican bwoii??
It was great meeting you last night.

just got one of my pices accepted into the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival

will be April 15-17 so anyone in seattle let me know - should get together and say hi - or come by and check out the show bok
Hey, that sounds exciting!! Congratulations! If you need help shooting slides, let me know, it used to be part of my job...! Good Luck!

dood congrats bro !
ahhhh to forgetfulness...and i hope you all enjoyed the show...unlike others it was not iniitentional but neither i nor acheron really care so makes it just fine.

bleh - now on to the days chore of making copy slides...woudl so much rather be doing new work than taking pics of stuff i have already done but that would mean paying someone else to do it...
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It sounds like you got the camera thing going, right?
If not, i have a lot of 35mm slr stuff that you can use any time. Good luck, but it sounds like you got in under control!!