If you could meet the girl of your dreams, what would she be like? Would she like all the things you like? Would she be nerdy? cute face? mature? Playful and sweet? Colored hair? Piercings? I'm curious! :3
I don't usually care about what others think about when they see me.. I really don't.. and I am not hateful towards myself in the least (anymore anyways)... But I still just.. Have such low self esteem. I hate looking at pictures of myself. I'm a film major, I work behind the camera, not in front of it. I just feel so awful about my...
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Hey! So I think I speak for all of us when I say everyone has something s little out of the usual they enjoy. Name at least 3 odd things you enjoy!
I know one odd thing I enjoy is needles.. It sounds weird! But I get excited when I get my blood taken. I wouldn't mind doing it weekly. I once was in the...
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Welp! I have been loving life very much so since Christmas time of 2014. I'm happy to be happy 😊 It's so nice to experience happiness for such a long period of time. It really all has to do with oneself. Just 11 months ago I was in the ICU because of how dead I felt mentally. Now I'm all about positive vibes. I could...
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I hope you guys don't mind if I post some artwork I've done whether it be doodles or digital art. o: