T minus 52
I have an apartment! I feel like I'm jinxing it by posting it on here, so I'll "knock on wood" by saying it's like 98% for sure, but my new roommate-to-be is signing the lease for our new place on Thursday! It's a two-bedroom, two-bathroom, second floor apartment in Surrey with a beautiful kitchen, four appliances, and a washer and dryer IN the actual apartment. Plus it's only $550/person/month, which is incredible for a place this nice. I talked to this girl for the first time on the phone today and it feels kinda crazy to be planning on moving in with someone you've never met, but I don't really have much of a choice in this. I'm a bit fucked over in the money department, but I'm gonna finish applying for my student loan tomorrow and cross my fingers that it gets approved.
Other news...I had an awesome birthday! misguided took me out for lunch and bought me a blue rose which made me feel quite happy, and then we were nerdy and watched the Matrix. Which is awesome. I heart nerdiness. I got some cool stuff from my sisters for my new place, and my parents are going to buy me a TV when I move! My gramma also gave me some money so I bought ]these nerdy shirts from J!NX. I am eagerly awaiting them in the mail!
Other than that, life has been...cool. Just a lot of hanging out and trying to get shit sorted out before I move. Half the time I feel relaxed and laid-back, and the other half I'm like...WTF OMG. I can't believe June is almost over...SarahBe is gonna be here in like, eleven days to hang out and do some drunk bowling. Because apparently my friends seem to think that me moving away is no big deal, and they can't make time in their OH SO BUSY lives to come over to my place for a BBQ to say goodbye to me. Therefore I cancelled my "party" to hang out with SarahBe because she is coming up from Calgary to see me. And then perhaps we shall drink with some people who don't suck? We shall SEE!
<3 orangeinfinity
I have an apartment! I feel like I'm jinxing it by posting it on here, so I'll "knock on wood" by saying it's like 98% for sure, but my new roommate-to-be is signing the lease for our new place on Thursday! It's a two-bedroom, two-bathroom, second floor apartment in Surrey with a beautiful kitchen, four appliances, and a washer and dryer IN the actual apartment. Plus it's only $550/person/month, which is incredible for a place this nice. I talked to this girl for the first time on the phone today and it feels kinda crazy to be planning on moving in with someone you've never met, but I don't really have much of a choice in this. I'm a bit fucked over in the money department, but I'm gonna finish applying for my student loan tomorrow and cross my fingers that it gets approved.
Other news...I had an awesome birthday! misguided took me out for lunch and bought me a blue rose which made me feel quite happy, and then we were nerdy and watched the Matrix. Which is awesome. I heart nerdiness. I got some cool stuff from my sisters for my new place, and my parents are going to buy me a TV when I move! My gramma also gave me some money so I bought ]these nerdy shirts from J!NX. I am eagerly awaiting them in the mail!
Other than that, life has been...cool. Just a lot of hanging out and trying to get shit sorted out before I move. Half the time I feel relaxed and laid-back, and the other half I'm like...WTF OMG. I can't believe June is almost over...SarahBe is gonna be here in like, eleven days to hang out and do some drunk bowling. Because apparently my friends seem to think that me moving away is no big deal, and they can't make time in their OH SO BUSY lives to come over to my place for a BBQ to say goodbye to me. Therefore I cancelled my "party" to hang out with SarahBe because she is coming up from Calgary to see me. And then perhaps we shall drink with some people who don't suck? We shall SEE!
<3 orangeinfinity

And the craggy face is General Adama.