Went for a swim in the sea yesterday, there was no sun, some surfers and a collection of seemingly disassociated people along the shore. I swam out so far, more than i should have really, for a minute i felt as if i had no control i had to fight for breath through every wave, i kept looking back to see if i could see...
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Had three hours sleep last night & at work now, cant even see straight, just trying to stay awake, typing to stay awake surreal . I think my body is beginning to decay, what am i doing to myself, God!

I feel so lost as if i cant live upto the person I want to be anymore, but did i ever truely want to be that...
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Well this is the first time ive actually used the journal, at work now taking a break, had like 4Hrs sleep last night, so iv limited myself to doing all office tasks that dont involve brainpower, ill be busy for the whole day.