Threadless.com what an awesome tshirt site. Iv decided. before I buy any more books ill finish all the ones iv already started, ill cringe if i have to think about how many that is, its a bloody sickness. Medicine, Medicine. First aid course training today for work, learned how to tie a cool knot, actually i only got it right once or twice, iv decide...
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thankyou for the comment on my set smile xxx
Just drank a bottle of Froosh: 100% pure fruit smoothie (Mango & Orange), Mmmmm, listening to A-HA's relatively new album; Analogue, nice. Got tons of work to do, but im taking it easy, just want to relax and live in this moment a little, all serene and shiny.

Il go for a swim this evening and maybe a quick run, its that fantastic feeling you...
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Holy Shit what a dream i had last night!! not a good one pretty crappy, covered in symbolism and stuff, I was in my old apartment, but it was now overlooking the street. I invited my brother to stay there while he studied. things came to a head over something stupid and we had a fight... i kicked him out into the rain, he left,...
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Sunday Night i froze my ass off in bed so yesterday i went about rectifying the situation by buying myself a massive Douvet (Thats how you spell it right??) anyway its TOG 13.5, the highest one they had, i went out then and got drunk, ate a sandwich and then went to bed watching rounders (Ed Norton & Mat Damon), soft warm quilt.

Its inspired...
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So its Friday evening, and i have like another hour left in work, what to do, what to do... I have a report i could start writing, Hmmmm God thats so fucking boring, just ended up on reagans page, god shes fantastic, damn cant think straight anymore, got the lust i suppose.

Night off tonight at job no. 2 so Im heading out with 'the...
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Iv been listening to the Cure and AHA all day a two band 80s mix, it feels good, currently playing close to me, sounds are just right, im supposed to be writing some sort of technical specifications report??? never wrote one before, dont have a clue how to, oh god, thought id be happy to be back in my office, iv spent the last 4...
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I quit my part time masters, bought a HDTV, and didnt break up with my GF, i dont know which of these statements shocks me more, still listening to david gray, might get his other albums, had white ladder, thats not saying much, every house with a teenager in Ireland had that one. there's a song called Alibi, tis very good indeed,

Supposed to be...
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so confused right now, my girlfriend lives in a different county and im going out more than i should with a girl i used to fancy and to be honest still do, its weird, she's so beautiul, loveable, sexy and she just doesnt see it, well i do and i feel like falling over every time i see her, just mates thats all i want,...
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