Long Weekend. interesting though. Ron Jeremy is shorter in person than I ever thought he was. He told me I need to eat more, i should have asked him to be more specific. Spent so much time on schoolwork i forgot another world exists. I went with the crush to the City yesterday and on the way back we hit terrible traffic from a supposed Yankee game and the boat coming in but it was definately to my advantage. We literally told each other our lives stories and even though I know she dosen't want to go out with me, at least i finally know something. It's so relieving in a way because I feel like I can actually move on now. she told me she's not over her last crush and here's the really beatiful part- that people like us who've had crappy divorced parents, who've been cheated on, who've had a relationship fall apart despite everything you put into it- when we get in relationships we question what's going on, even if the person is amazing and treats you better than anyone. You question it because you're not used to it. i connected with her so much on that, i can't put it into words. It's my first day of really getting over her, and I feel good, even alive.
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Oh fuck, the birds are chirping, it's nearly 5 in the morning and i'm… -
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Wednesday Sep 01, 2004
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Saturday Aug 28, 2004
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Thursday Aug 26, 2004
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Wednesday Aug 18, 2004
Armed with a mere $18 in cash-most of which will be spent on liquor, …
yeah i question everything that goes on when i am with someone or when i have a crush on them...i am child of divorce too....
perhaps i shoudl sit down with the person i like and tell them i like them so i can get over him....
maybe you can give me some getting over a crush tips...