everyone stared at me in color theory today for my sick piece of artwork i did for homework. Kind of ironic how the things i am most proud of always end up getting me the most exploited. I could give a fuck less what they think though. I create to express not to satisfy others. If they like what I'm doing it's merely coincidental. I can't wait for the semester to be over so I can get some fucking sleep. I'm looking forward to next semester though, i get to take German I, the class for people just getting into the language.hehehe vor ich weiss nicht keine deutch, verdammt es willst bist tso toya. Ich gethink ich will sehr habe vier oder funf klassen nachts mal. Leben ist besser das warum. Die traurig ding ist das ich will vermissen schule diese Sommer. Ich michtig schule sich beklagen aber in andere warum ich rilly mogst es. Ich verstehe nicht. Iggy,Gluckwunsch ahn sich erholen von.

yeah i will play songs sometimes in class and people will stare at me as well...you are not alone...only i am musician, not a painter.....