fuckthe world, I 've a date tonight with someone that makes me forget everything bad there ever was and is. I've not felt so fortunate in years. biggrin
i'm tired constantly. it is a problem that will not be fixed fopr months on end. With college and work I just have no free time at all. When I finish in four months I'll have an overabundance of time.I recently got a feeling that after I get my associate's degree I should just stop there. i'm poor enough and getting a bachelor's wont get...
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I'm starting school tommorow. My thrirty three days of serenity are now officially over tonight, and it seems like they were barely here at all. I partied with some friends yesterday to celebrate the times and all it did was realize that at eveyone of these fucking parties nothing ever really changes. it's just the same people. Occasionally they are new people i've never met...
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My wish came true. I was asleep most of Christmas Eve and day. i got the Flu. It was the worst three days of my life. I felt like shit all through the holiday and finally the day after I had to go to the hospital cause I was blacking in and out. so the doctor had to do blood tests, which I hate because...
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The reason they did chest xrays is to make sure you dont' have some kind of congestion frm, say, pneumona, going on. Also to look for ascities (abdminal fluid) or enlarged organs. It's pretty standard stuff. Needles suck, I give them to patients all day long. But don't worry, I don't feel a thing, LMAO! All these non-conformist people need to stop hating on hot topic. You guys are being such bitches about it! You're conforming to the non-conformists group. Hot Topic and its sister store, Torrid, for full figured hotties like me, are great stores. Talk to ya soo.
mad christmas is the king of all terrible holidays. I wish I fell asleep right now and didn't wake up until it was long over. fuck Christmas...
Shit how come you're like NEEEEEEEVER around? Did you join up SGNJ yet????
I just finished first semester, now there's only about 11 left. fuck. so much difficulty in getting a master's in fine arts for an average yearly income of $8-12,000. the majority of the population just don't care enough about art, I f funding is cut anymore the next generation is going to be a bunch of fucking pathetic robots. Oh fuck I wish I was...
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Only about 11 HAHAHAHA Christ I effing HEAR THAT! I DEFINATELY hear that hehehhehehehehe! What else is new? Getting ready for christmas??? Did you join up with the SGNJ group?
two hundred thousand journals, no one gives a fuck about the guys who join the site ARRR!!!
Holy CRAP you're in hopatcong? ROCK! I'm chillin' at my mom's house in Hamburg right now actually... and I live in B'dale... rock on! I used to be a stripper at that place High Heels in Lk Hopatcong on 15... when I was like much much skinnier (see pics on plus size women website lol )

So... a couple of comments on your profile.

1. The autobiography of charles manson was THE single most fascinating book I've ever read. I swear to god I read it like 6 times.

2. People on the west coast do not know the Misfits. This puzzles me.

3. I'd love to see all these awesome tatts and metals! you should post a set on suicideboys.

4. Drugs Rock

5. Tv definately does suck. It sucks so bad that my favorite show is American Idol cuz' it 's so hilariously cheesy and I love watching Simon Cowell make people cry. But I'm a huge Yankee fan so the YES network is on my tv all the time during baseball season. Channel 89 baby!

Hit me up!
I hate the snow. I am forced to sit in my house with nothing to do. It's impossible to write anything better than this journal entry. I'm not used to free time. I like it that way. Everytime it snows though I end up stuck here usually thinking about ex-girlfriends and how things in my life would be better if they were still around. They...
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Wow i know absoluely no one on this site. There is a lack of people here from New Jersey, maybe it's better that way. This site is definately amazing though. It's nice to know there's somewhere I can go where I'm not the minority. It's a nice change.