Junior high mustache pays off! If my calculations are correct I'll be eligible to join SAG after March 26th. Scheduled for March 27th: Prompt shave immediately followed by coke party / sex orgy with Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, and as many nave starlets as we can fit in the hotel room.

did i respond to your really long comment? i can't remember if i had just read it, or if i also responded.
Mmm, I didn't necessarily mean lost objects... yes, lost loves count!
I probably formulated a response to your long comment but didn't want to post it because I hadn't responded to the comments before yours and if I responded to yours I'd be out of order and would forget the comments before yours. I have a system. It doesn't work very well.
I probably formulated a response to your long comment but didn't want to post it because I hadn't responded to the comments before yours and if I responded to yours I'd be out of order and would forget the comments before yours. I have a system. It doesn't work very well.
So it looks like I need to grow a beard if I want to get a movie role for which I'm otherwise perfect.
Rogaine works on faces, right?
Rogaine works on faces, right?
I think I hate New Year's Eve. It's a totally arbitrary date that (as far as I can tell) has nothing to do with anything other than the peccadilloes of a few once-powerful Roman Catholics, but it still has the same (intentional?) effect every year: I look back, realize what a horrifying, net-loss of a shitstorm the previous year was, and think, "Oh Christ, what...
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i was just thinking about you the other day. funny! i got malloreigh on dark iron to level 60, finally, and there she'll sit for another few months at least...
we'll see about bartending and toronto. who knows where these legs will take me next?
we'll see about bartending and toronto. who knows where these legs will take me next?
Guess who just renewed his membership for a whole year? And how, you might ask, did such a scoundrel as myself come by forty-eight American dollars (or even the princely sum of eighty-four, after taxes)? Why, by starring in (or rather standing far in the background of) a major motion picture! Watch out, People's Sexiest Man of the Year Matt Damon! And that's...
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Wow. The last couple of months have been intense. I'll tell you about it when I get a spare minute, but let's just say I'll actually be able to buy an SG subscription that doesn't run out every other day. 

I owe you guys a substantive blog post like whoa. Maybe I'll find some time to compose one between a 200 mile trip, remote WoW raiding, 96 solid hours of playing games, and as many as four 4th of July cookouts and firework shows? Stranger things have probably happened, but I'll be damned if I can think of an example...
i miss you! where have you been?
Seriously, who updates their only blog more than once every two months? Fucking showoffs.
Friends, do me a small favor? If I go grey in the next few days, don't freak out and prune me for at least a week, okay?
Friends, do me a small favor? If I go grey in the next few days, don't freak out and prune me for at least a week, okay?
I can't admit that I'm playing much these days... I've been spending most of my time with a new fella, and he doesn't yet do Azeroth (but I'm working on it). I believe my hunter (Verreuil) to be stuck at 30, and my mage (Melange) to be 38 or something. When my favorite WoW companion and I get over the fresh joy of our respective new relationships, we'll all be around more often.
Clearly, I'm not so sad anymore, but don't think that I don't appreciate the sentiment. I do, greatly, and perhaps I'll take you up on it in the future. Also, gratz on the flying thing.
Clearly, I'm not so sad anymore, but don't think that I don't appreciate the sentiment. I do, greatly, and perhaps I'll take you up on it in the future. Also, gratz on the flying thing.
where the eff have you BEEN!?
nope. i just still need to buy a time card.
happy dingday!
happy dingday!
Aw, I missed this? Happy belated.
I play horde on Kirin Tor with asreal and tygertyger. I alternate between a 30ish hunter and a 30ish mage.
I play horde on Kirin Tor with asreal and tygertyger. I alternate between a 30ish hunter and a 30ish mage.
also best testimonial evar. ty. <3