Wow. Fianlly saw Gaspar Noe's Irreversible last night (Thank you Netflix, I love you). The last movie I saw that disturbed me this deeply was probably Visitor Q, Requiem for a Dream before that. Like those 2 moives, I have no desire to ever see this film again.
I am not saying it is a bad movie. It's quite good. The camera work is dizzying and the pace is unrelenting. But it is just so wrong, so wrong. Yes, the fire extinguisher scene was one of the most horrific acts of violence I have ever seen in a movie, but the scene that leads up to that "payoff,"
is ten minutes of burying your head in a pillow.
Being told in reverse order ala Memento, there are some things you may be confused about and some things you may want to reflect on - I had trouble getting to sleep last night. But odds are you will not want to watch this a second time. It is just too brutal, too negative and dark. Especially the way everything is so nice and beautific at the end/beginning. Just knowing what lies in store for these people. Just horrifying. Fucking horrifying.
I am not saying it is a bad movie. It's quite good. The camera work is dizzying and the pace is unrelenting. But it is just so wrong, so wrong. Yes, the fire extinguisher scene was one of the most horrific acts of violence I have ever seen in a movie, but the scene that leads up to that "payoff,"
is ten minutes of burying your head in a pillow.
Being told in reverse order ala Memento, there are some things you may be confused about and some things you may want to reflect on - I had trouble getting to sleep last night. But odds are you will not want to watch this a second time. It is just too brutal, too negative and dark. Especially the way everything is so nice and beautific at the end/beginning. Just knowing what lies in store for these people. Just horrifying. Fucking horrifying.
I love 'Requiem for a Dream'. I may have to see 'Visitor Q' and 'Irreversible' now.