Doctors don't know dick. What a job. "Hmmmm...I'm going to refer you to a specialist. Hmmmm...We're going to run some tests. Hmmmm...We're going to prescribe some pills." Where did you get your medical degree? Sears?
That was a great story about you tripping out to Scatology back in college. I wish I'd discovered Coil when I was a teenager - it would have been exactly what I needed back then. It wasn't for a few year later that they came out of my stereo speakers.
I agree, doctors don't know dick
Doing much much better thank you. I've just had a couple of bad months of Acid Reflux (my best guess), and trying to find out why or make certain it was not a sign of something more serious. General medical concensus seems to be, "Oh well, you seem OK now, so move along...$120.00 at the front desk please."
I agree, doctors don't know dick
Are you alright??