I have a very on again off again relationship with this site, I sometimes feel that this place wallows in it's own sense of self-importance and pretentiousness which in turn bring out those same feelings in me which I quite despise in myself.
Plus I try to hard to make an impression and get noticed, I don't really care if people like me or not, it's just that I like attention (good or bad), which is kinda strange for someone who doesn't really faceless interaction.
I'm the kind of person who likes to talk face to face, why? Because I cannot figure out sometimes what to say and expressing my words written, as is done on this site, is hard for me. I never know how to respond to comments and such and when I do it always winds up coming off very awkwardly to me a kind of pointless meandering or silly stupid comments that sound so childish.
That's why I hardly ever update my journal or respond to comments, not because I'm an ass, but because I'm moody and socially inept, and don't want to seem foolish.
I guess that's just about it for now, I hope I haven't offended anyone, and I hope most don't take some of the stuff I've said too seriously and I'll talk about more shit later...
Out... Sephiroth
Plus I try to hard to make an impression and get noticed, I don't really care if people like me or not, it's just that I like attention (good or bad), which is kinda strange for someone who doesn't really faceless interaction.
I'm the kind of person who likes to talk face to face, why? Because I cannot figure out sometimes what to say and expressing my words written, as is done on this site, is hard for me. I never know how to respond to comments and such and when I do it always winds up coming off very awkwardly to me a kind of pointless meandering or silly stupid comments that sound so childish.
That's why I hardly ever update my journal or respond to comments, not because I'm an ass, but because I'm moody and socially inept, and don't want to seem foolish.
I guess that's just about it for now, I hope I haven't offended anyone, and I hope most don't take some of the stuff I've said too seriously and I'll talk about more shit later...
Out... Sephiroth