So, today is Thanksgiving in the U.S. a time to sit down with your family and friends, and "give thanks" to the value that makes this country so great... OVERCONSUMPTION!!!
That's right, today is a day for most Americans to cook more food than they should, and eat more food than they need. We can't even let the needy miss out on this orgy of consumerism (that's what holiday food drives are all about, don't kid yourselves). So go ahead, go hog wild, shovel more Turkey, and gravy, mashed potatoes and stuffing... Oh God forbid you forget the stuffing, (the perfect name for a "Turkey Day" food, don't you think) down your gullet and give thanks, "good gravy, good meat, good God let's eat.", (I got that from somewhere just don't remember where) and celebrate a true American holiday with open arms... The day after Thanksgiving sales.
That's right, today is a day for most Americans to cook more food than they should, and eat more food than they need. We can't even let the needy miss out on this orgy of consumerism (that's what holiday food drives are all about, don't kid yourselves). So go ahead, go hog wild, shovel more Turkey, and gravy, mashed potatoes and stuffing... Oh God forbid you forget the stuffing, (the perfect name for a "Turkey Day" food, don't you think) down your gullet and give thanks, "good gravy, good meat, good God let's eat.", (I got that from somewhere just don't remember where) and celebrate a true American holiday with open arms... The day after Thanksgiving sales.
As for culture's flaws, no offense, but I personally believe that if there's a problem with culture, you either confiscate it and remold it or confront it on a personal level. I don't know if you intended it or not, but your entry sounds kind of like a personal attack directed at anyone who reads it.
I agree with you. Like pretty much every other American holiday, it's an excuse to consume more crap. But that's more according to the advertisers than most people, I think. Personally, I see Thanksgiving as a day to relax in good company with themed cooking and to genuinely be grateful that we have that opportunity.
Course, I also volunteer and do non-profit work every day for work, so I may be in a different position than most.