102 days left on contract. Throw 2 weeks vacation at the beginning of September and my time here is running short. I have started putting things in motion to get out of here. I am slowly starting to mail some stuff home and go through my shit. I already gave a duffel bag full of clothes away to some Serb families.
I am going through a professional resume service in an attempt to get a federal job in Germany. I plan on taking Nov/Dec/Jan off, but if what I want comes along in that time I will take it. I am just kind of playing things by ear right now.
On Friday I got bit by a spider and it really fucked me up. I got bit on my left leg, the hamstring area. The whole back of my leg from my knee to my ass is swollen, red and itches like fucking mad. I am on 3 types of meds and it is slowly going away but it had me pretty beat down. It is getting better.
All in all I cannot wait to get the fuck out of this shithole. The job is just as bad as it has been and will probably be like that until I leave.
I have booked my hotels and flights for my vacation. It is not going to be cheap at all. Hotels alone are killing me. The flight is not too bad. Of course the real killer is eating and drinking while I am there.
And now some music:
Cult of Luna (getting heavy rotation lately)
How about some good old Snapcase:
That will be all
I am going through a professional resume service in an attempt to get a federal job in Germany. I plan on taking Nov/Dec/Jan off, but if what I want comes along in that time I will take it. I am just kind of playing things by ear right now.
On Friday I got bit by a spider and it really fucked me up. I got bit on my left leg, the hamstring area. The whole back of my leg from my knee to my ass is swollen, red and itches like fucking mad. I am on 3 types of meds and it is slowly going away but it had me pretty beat down. It is getting better.
All in all I cannot wait to get the fuck out of this shithole. The job is just as bad as it has been and will probably be like that until I leave.
I have booked my hotels and flights for my vacation. It is not going to be cheap at all. Hotels alone are killing me. The flight is not too bad. Of course the real killer is eating and drinking while I am there.
And now some music:
Cult of Luna (getting heavy rotation lately)
How about some good old Snapcase:
That will be all
Well I'm more worried about her finding a new job then me, she does not drive yet so now she can't ride with her ex to work, I hope she finds some where that she can walk to until she can get her license.