i just called my mom. we live pretty far away from each other, soon to be half way around the world. i can tell it bothers her that she might not get to see me before i go. i just almost gave up all my plans until october when she put my niece on the phone and she said 'hi.' it was the first time she'd formed a real word talking to me...
sigh...home...where is it anymore? if it's where my heart is, then it's scattered.
last night, i was talking to my friend jon, and i told him about a night i remember by the ocean with my, my more than friend and more than love, i guess. but i couldn't articulate it. jon wanted a story and my prompt was blue...and all i could tell him was that everything that night was so beautifully clear. not just the air or the sky or the water...but my LIFE. just for that night, my life was so clear. when i think of that night, everything is clearer to me.
it's finals time for me, which means i shall be slightly neglectful to my journal and such...sorry guys...
tell me a story. your prompt is blue.


Blue is the color she saw when she closed her eyes. Not blue like the sky. Not blue like the ocean but blue like her insides. No one knew the blue she felt-the kind of blue that fueled that colored Picasso period. Beauty is only skin deep she knew but everyone else thought she was perfect because her beauty was matched only by the beauty of the sky and ocean. Outward beauty is like the closing winter's sky and snow. It's still pretty but it's fading quickly to make room for the warm sun and Blue skies.

yo. how'd your presentation thinger go?