so this morning in the bathroom, there were TWO broken bottles, a big coke spillage, and trash ALL OVER THE FLOOR...i
being an RA SO MUCH, i really really do: see my smile
but i don't like cleaning up after 52 very dirty girls(and i know at least one of you will take that in the wrong way
but i'm in a surprisingly good mood this morning. oj and coffee, work, class, know the drill
and now: submitted for your approval, an interpretive dance, if you will, by bionic femme and onefoolishline (bet you can never have just one):
"I Want Love"
ByKnights of th Not So Round Table.
O, I summon thee
O, dieties of Love
Cupids with Rosey Bumcheeks.
When I see Love
(People in Love)
I want Love.
I want You,
O my sweet Love
Your eyes, they are roses
To bloom for only Me.
Your hair glistens
Like dewy rays of sunshine,
Your hardy laugh, gay
As babies giddy on a sunny day
In May!
O, hey!
Your lips, like a blowfish
Speak to Me,
O! Love!
Hark! I hear an Angel
It is you
O, my sweet sweet-heart.
O! My dear Soul!
Your freckles are tiny
Your eyes
Dancing fairies
Stones if you will
For Me to skip
In to the pools of your brilliant eyes.
And O,
Your eyes.
And woe my Love
If you are not woo'd
I shall be woed
As the natives in the Pox of '92.
Oh my darling.
Oh my darling (edited for content).
You are
The Wind beneath my Wings!
I have wasted my life.
(this poem was given the award in the WORST poem contest in one of our writing classes. cheers, mates, have a GREAT day).

but i don't like cleaning up after 52 very dirty girls(and i know at least one of you will take that in the wrong way

but i'm in a surprisingly good mood this morning. oj and coffee, work, class, know the drill

and now: submitted for your approval, an interpretive dance, if you will, by bionic femme and onefoolishline (bet you can never have just one):
"I Want Love"
ByKnights of th Not So Round Table.
O, I summon thee
O, dieties of Love
Cupids with Rosey Bumcheeks.
When I see Love
(People in Love)
I want Love.
I want You,
O my sweet Love
Your eyes, they are roses
To bloom for only Me.
Your hair glistens
Like dewy rays of sunshine,
Your hardy laugh, gay
As babies giddy on a sunny day
In May!
O, hey!
Your lips, like a blowfish
Speak to Me,
O! Love!
Hark! I hear an Angel
It is you
O, my sweet sweet-heart.
O! My dear Soul!
Your freckles are tiny
Your eyes
Dancing fairies
Stones if you will
For Me to skip
In to the pools of your brilliant eyes.
And O,
Your eyes.
And woe my Love
If you are not woo'd
I shall be woed
As the natives in the Pox of '92.
Oh my darling.
Oh my darling (edited for content).
You are
The Wind beneath my Wings!
I have wasted my life.
(this poem was given the award in the WORST poem contest in one of our writing classes. cheers, mates, have a GREAT day).

hey girlie! did we figure out that little problem we were talking about? email me...

Oh Oh you've been tagged !!!!!!! I hope it comes around to me! By Coke do you mean the drink or the drug?