on a cold a lonely road
where no shadows fall
or people walk
a man is sitting right
next to a pay phone
at a bus stop
he's waiting
waiting for a phone call
that never seems to come
it's 5am,
"dam this neon green hallogen light,
it's giving me a migrane", he says.
Taking off his glasses revealing his
blue eyes. He stares off into the great
distance, past what any normal man
could ever see. "Why hasn't she called,
I can't take this much longer".
The man sits down and places his
empty brief case on the ground.
He is wearing a three quatre length
rain jacket, with a press pass
that reads, Daily Bugle clipped to
his left lapel. Taking off his fadoria,
he runs his fingers through his once
jet black hair, now outlined
with silver and white.
Just then the phone rings,
instantly the man leaps
towards the phone booth for
possibly one last time,
"Hello...Hello?, it's me
Clark..." "Clark it's Lois...
he's dead Clark, he's DEAD.
Superman's dead."
-R.I.P Christopher Reeves
on a cold a lonely road
where no shadows fall
or people walk
a man is sitting right
next to a pay phone
at a bus stop
he's waiting
waiting for a phone call
that never seems to come
it's 5am,
"dam this neon green hallogen light,
it's giving me a migrane", he says.
Taking off his glasses revealing his
blue eyes. He stares off into the great
distance, past what any normal man
could ever see. "Why hasn't she called,
I can't take this much longer".
The man sits down and places his
empty brief case on the ground.
He is wearing a three quatre length
rain jacket, with a press pass
that reads, Daily Bugle clipped to
his left lapel. Taking off his fadoria,
he runs his fingers through his once
jet black hair, now outlined
with silver and white.
Just then the phone rings,
instantly the man leaps
towards the phone booth for
possibly one last time,
"Hello...Hello?, it's me
Clark..." "Clark it's Lois...
he's dead Clark, he's DEAD.
Superman's dead."
-R.I.P Christopher Reeves
Aren't all good advocacy causes selfish one way or another? (I'm not saying that that's bad, just personal)
Nothing's really wrong with being a WWF fan... unless it gets totally out of control. (ie too much shouting to the tv really believing they're you're friends/allies)