Well here we are again. The ever dreaded blog space staring emptily back at me. I never know what to make of these things, or where to start.Or why I even bother. But I have to vent somewhere, no?
My day comes to yet another end.This weekend has been interesting. It started with going to see Mindless Self Indulgence and Julien K with me ex....
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My day comes to yet another end.This weekend has been interesting. It started with going to see Mindless Self Indulgence and Julien K with me ex....
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Ah yes. The ever prevalent blog...I fill thee out while knowingly that no one actually reads you. But I'm bored and a lot has happened lately. So I shall share with the two people or less that may run across this.
Where shall we start.....
Ah yes. I've met a lot of people in the last few weeks. I've gained good friends. Finished a tattoo...
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Where shall we start.....
Ah yes. I've met a lot of people in the last few weeks. I've gained good friends. Finished a tattoo...
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hey man!!!
i am seeing you this week!
i'm excited.
it's going to be an awesome show, i am sure.
so hey...what time are you getting there and stuff??
like i said, i was lucky enough to grab a ride from my dad up there and stuff, so i kinda want to know what time i should get dropped off there and stuff. i just want to be sure that you're there, so i am not all by myself not knowing anyone,etc.
i am seeing you this week!
i'm excited.
it's going to be an awesome show, i am sure.
so hey...what time are you getting there and stuff??
like i said, i was lucky enough to grab a ride from my dad up there and stuff, so i kinda want to know what time i should get dropped off there and stuff. i just want to be sure that you're there, so i am not all by myself not knowing anyone,etc.
Happy Birthday hun... Hope it's AWESOME!!

Ah yes.... Another week has passed and the weekend approaches. I am so behind on this site....I don't think I've been on since before March.... But with news? I've acquired a female friend, she worries too much but a lovely girl. Not much has really happened. St. Patty's day was decent and I've found out that I may get to visit home over my summer...
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Heyyy ure never online. Wuts up nigguh!? lol jk
Hmmm this morning is certainly not all that pleasent.....After a night of drinking with some friends from class I wake up to a killer headache. I'm not really sure where this came from.....I was sober when I got home. But it was a fun night. And I've got some good booze now. I still can't believe how fast 5:30am rolled around....But a night filled with...
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a man with nine fingers... perhaps, if each nail was one inch long... get it? 

It has occured to me that it is indeed the new year... Its officially 2007. I see no difference. Clearly I have to be the one to inniciate change, but overall...My new year was not kicked off very well, but an Absolutely Fabulous marathon and three Eddie Izzard specials back to back and a bottle of the Captain helped cheer me up a bit. And...
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I wanted to see Black Dahlia then I heard it sucked so I haven't seen it yet. I guess I'll have to check it out since you're giving it a thumbs up.
I procrastinated all through high school too... Haha.
I would have gotten the highest score in my English class on my term paper except my art teacher told me I couldn't use copies of the artwork in my report because it would be considered plagerism (spelling??) so this other guy (which the same art teacher sat there and pretty much told him word for word what to write) got the highest grade. So I asked my English teacher why and he said it was because I didn't use any pictures. Turns out that the art teacher, not only helped him write it but, told him to use copies of the artwork in his paper so he would get a better grade.
Bah, teachers can be scum... Trust me on that one.
G'day love, til we speak again...

Bah, teachers can be scum... Trust me on that one.

G'day love, til we speak again...

Thanks for the sweet comment on my set, doll 

I can't believe that I got all of my x-mas shopping done in a day, of course when you have very little money that sort of thing happens. I'm proud of myself though. So proud I'm taking myself out tomorrow night since I have some extra cash for the month left over.. If any of you live in the KC area you should hit me...
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Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my set
Have a happy new year

Have a happy new year

hookah, rum, a porta-shitter with x-mas lights and hanging out
Ahh Yes... Only about 6 more days until some of my friends from VA come out to visit. I absolutly can not wait. I used to see these guys anywhere from daily to weekly now I have not seen them since late July. Fun times are sure to unsue. Though I feel much like my mother with my running around the flat trying to make...
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Yo, what's up?! Let me know if you get on here K??

That is so O.K. for you bud!!

I fucking hate having my computer off line for the last two weeks. It'll probably turn into three or four though...Depends on how long it takes me to get back out to visit the parents. I'm wishing I had some wine....I'm also wishing I had someone to keep me company....But my dreams will do that soon enough whenever I head to bed. I'm really not...
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Thanks for the sweet compliment on my set! I put my heart and soul into this set and I'm so glad you like it!
The hookah is my man's, and I like the peach flavor the best!