Hello ladies and gents-
I have been busier than ever- and it doesn't stop for another month. Oh well, I am only a MONTH away from getting my diploma and solving all my problems.
I'm taking an impulse trip to west virginia this weekend, so if anyone knows of any cool places to visit, please let me know! My friend and I are doing the ten hour drive tomorrow night (ugh) after an extra long day of work and school. It'll be fantastic.
I sure am going to miss the family though, everyone is in for the holidays. It was going to be me and the mister's first 'shared' holiday- we've been together for years but we've never spent the night together beforehand. Being the wonderfully childish and creative girl I am, I planned a sexy egghunt.
That's about all! Hopefully I will have some wonderful photos from my experience this weekend.
Happy easter and or passover and or long weekend
What's the longest drive you've ever been on, and why?
One true love or serial monogamy?
What have you done today that you are proud of?
I have been busier than ever- and it doesn't stop for another month. Oh well, I am only a MONTH away from getting my diploma and solving all my problems.
I'm taking an impulse trip to west virginia this weekend, so if anyone knows of any cool places to visit, please let me know! My friend and I are doing the ten hour drive tomorrow night (ugh) after an extra long day of work and school. It'll be fantastic.
I sure am going to miss the family though, everyone is in for the holidays. It was going to be me and the mister's first 'shared' holiday- we've been together for years but we've never spent the night together beforehand. Being the wonderfully childish and creative girl I am, I planned a sexy egghunt.
That's about all! Hopefully I will have some wonderful photos from my experience this weekend.
Happy easter and or passover and or long weekend

What's the longest drive you've ever been on, and why?
One true love or serial monogamy?
What have you done today that you are proud of?
One month away from getting a diploma I understand, but why does that solve all your problems? What kinds of problems do you have?
I'm looking forward to the photos - easter egg hunts are always fun.
I love that you ask questions - and they're good ones too!
Longest drive was from Southern Ontario to Victoria, British Columbia - 5500 Km in about 10 days. It was a vacation - we drove a $500 call all the way there, sold it to the scrapyard and flew home - best trip ever. My fiancee and I will do a similar trip to the East coast for our honeymoon.
I had a true love, but she left me and then, I suppose, I became a serial monogamist? But maybe not. Love is different for different people and more about what feels right and where you feel comfortable than the stuff of fairy tales. I am, however, envious of those unconditionally in love with someone else, I think I was there once, and it ended poorly and I'm not jaded and perhaps never able to go back. Feeling that way about someone is amazing though, but fleeting at best.
Today I solved a work problem that I think defines my approach to my job. Whilst not fully perfected, the opportunity for success and savings is high, and I'm extremely pleased with it. It's nice to feel like you're making progress instead of treading water, or losing the battle.
You ask the questions, but don't answer them. With a "mister" for years but never slept together - is that true love or serial monogamy? And why abandon him for a road trip to West Virgina?
Curiouser and curiouser...
Hope you have an awesome weekend.