"... don't piss off people who work in airports."
"Are you sure it's not something like 'the kind of behaviour that works in a specialized environment, such as a prison, can fail to work and in fact become harmful when used outside such an environment'?"
"No, listen to me, I'm telling you, man, don't piss off those bitches in airports."
-- Neil Gaiman, "American Gods",...
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"Are you sure it's not something like 'the kind of behaviour that works in a specialized environment, such as a prison, can fail to work and in fact become harmful when used outside such an environment'?"
"No, listen to me, I'm telling you, man, don't piss off those bitches in airports."
-- Neil Gaiman, "American Gods",...
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Ooh thats the gorgeous!
Blue morning, blue day
Won't you see things my way
Blue morning, can't you see
What your love has done to me
um... nice shot.
Won't you see things my way
Blue morning, can't you see
What your love has done to me
um... nice shot.

I'm constantly amazed by both. 

whoa! the colors are phenomenal.
happy canada night
happy canada night

john donne! vastly different from the usual sci fi/adventure/fantasies that you like. y'know, i haven't read j.d.'s old shizzle since highschool. i recall having to BS an essay or two on his work.
i am drawn to this particular photo:
of course because it flies the american flag! go u.s.a.!
it does seem like "forever." the time+space coordinates of the internet seem to inhabit a completely different universe where aging processes are a kazillion gazillion bazillion times faster. if only we could place cheese or wine in this particular universe and be able to sell it as premium century old tastey treats to rich connoisseurs, we'd make $$$$$ and be worry free.
i am drawn to this particular photo:
of course because it flies the american flag! go u.s.a.!
it does seem like "forever." the time+space coordinates of the internet seem to inhabit a completely different universe where aging processes are a kazillion gazillion bazillion times faster. if only we could place cheese or wine in this particular universe and be able to sell it as premium century old tastey treats to rich connoisseurs, we'd make $$$$$ and be worry free.
oops i guess the image didnt cooperate.

Gazillions of WWW servers out there, serving megillions (that's even bigger) of pages... yet I'm bored. How can this be?
I think maybe I need to meet some flesh-and-blood people. A task for which I am, alas, ill-equipped.
I think maybe I need to meet some flesh-and-blood people. A task for which I am, alas, ill-equipped.
Well... at least you're out in nature.
Well... at least you're out in nature.
I too get overwhelmingly bored with the internet. Which would be why I spend all my time here, on SG. That's where all the pretty girls are at anyways.

Yah, no thank you to a phd, two years of school was plenty for me.
You have to find time for hotness every day. The doctor says so, trust me.
You have to find time for hotness every day. The doctor says so, trust me.
Ooh yellow is the best color on a flower! Where ya been hiding man?
PhD eh? Woah! I can't imagine how much work goes into that. Keep your nose to the grindstone!