As I sit here and sip my 5th Yuengling, I have the cool satisfaction of knowing that I am totally calling out of work tomorrow. I don't like jobs that fuck with my sense of right and wrong. Thanks for the advice. Hell, I was the only one there with a degree anyway. I won't miss rush hour both ways. Sorry to rant again.
When is Social D? Why won't the Philly group let me in? oh, i think one of you guys has to recommend me officially..
When is Social D? Why won't the Philly group let me in? oh, i think one of you guys has to recommend me officially..
-who doesn't?
-typically, twice or so. sometimes as little as 0 of course, or as many as 6. depends, though on if you're talking about sessions or orgasms.. it's different for a girl. (i'd have asked too. i'm dumb too. )
-you're lucky (only got two left-- need them for when I get chemical-migraines. Had to go to the ER to get those.)
-they're quite comfortable
-the food made me very ill, so it probably made things seem 100x worse.. it was just very depressing. unbelievably polluted. we were a passenger in a car for like 3 hours and it was the most terrifying experience ever. very very scary driving. and we mostly visited a very poor area. i don't know.. there was just something about it.
-if by 'mid life crisis' you mean realizing your life up to that point was lacking in any meaning and that you absolutely could not continue on the path you are one, i think i already had my mid-life crisis 1/5 through my life. have you ever thought about how weird that is that that's commonplace in our society? BLAH.
-I will! I'm new at this. SG etiquette seems different than other online journal-type thingies.