A couple days ago a friend of mine and I were making fun of the word "booyah" and people who use it, and wondering how it came about. Now I can't stop saying it in that mocking tone. But to get to the point, I was doing an image search on google with the word booyah and this is what I found. I have to say it is one of the most superawsomest pictures I have ever seen. Even better than Black Superman and Fat Optimus Prime.

Beautiful new work on your arm! Wow! The colors are amazing!
Have a great weekend! Winx from Jinxi
The fact that i used to get skin rashes with it aswell....and my doctor happened to be a skin specialist...the two biggest signs of dairy intolerance is stomach aches/upset and skin rash/eczema...
This doctor didnt even mention that it MIGHT be an intolerance to something...ASSHOLE.
My mum randomly had read an article somewhere about dairy intolerance, so took me of dairy (I was only about 8 years old when this was going on) and it all went away after a couple of weeks.
Just incase you do decide to try and cut stuff out, dairy is the biggest problem, then next is wheat/gluten. A lot of people have allergies to them two. But they are in everything! So it'd be easier to stick with the way you eat now...if you can bear the side effects. Only thing is, like me, it might aggrivate it to geting worse, to the point now, where the only things im NOT allergic to, are fruit veg and salad (except corn n strawberries). Oh and i can have rice...but i hate rice...so i dont :p
Lol. Food sucks!