now chil'ren, THIS is how to play the blues:
I see that's the (a?) topic ... calls to mind the worse thing i never bought... many years ago my wife had just entered grad school and we were on break down in New York City. As we walked past a gallery window there was a little crappy painting in the window, and this voice in my head started shouting "buy it! buy it!!" Now...
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our two semi-feral cats seem oddly cautious around her...
Shall man, whose soul is set in the royalty of discernment and resolve, deny his rank and say, I am an onlooker, ask no choice or purpose of me? That is the blasphemy of this time. The divine principle of our race is action, choice, resolved memory. Let us contradict the blasphemy, and help to will our own better future and the better future of...
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there have been a few developments in the Quest. After getting the Sacredt Ext decoded by a passing stranger - Ponder the Chettah - he told them that they must descend into the depths (aka the first floor of our house) and ask further guidance from the wise-person on the couch.
This is Black Bat Bart, Francesco, Albert the Frog and Bible salseman, and Blooey
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We have many many fiber-based life forms in our domicile.
In this case the fellow second from the right is Bart the Bat (wearing green beer goggles) He has been given a quest by three dragons (aka The Committee) to find three things: a wand of light, a staff of hope and an elixir of transformation. He will eventually have six companions, one of whom
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Nasreddin was walking in the bazaar with a large group of followers. Whatever Nasreddin did, his followers immediately copied. Every few steps Nasreddin would stop and shake his hands in the air, touch his feet and jump up yelling "Hu Hu Hu!". So his followers would also stop and do exactly the same thing.
One of the merchants, who knew Nasreddin, quietly asked him: "What...
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Written at the height of the cold war by Paul Brunton:
That man’s own free will has created so much of the evils and misery in the world, is obvious. That with his own moral improvement this deplorable situation would itself improve is equally obvious. But the situation itself could not have arisen except by the permission and within the conception of the World-Mind....
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not loving the Chinese 'slant' on this part of Tibet... but it's a very stunning visual (minus a few dead sheep)
Part One:
I knew Lenny (slightly)
Part Two: