first day of another new semester. i am finally at the college that i have been working towards for the past 3 years. it's been alot if hard work and heart ache to get to this point. i feel a sense of relief finally. anyway i had to get up at 6:15 this morning to make my long commute to school ( 1 hr and 15 minute car ride, another 15-20 minute walk). which still beats the hell out of the commute i've had for the past year which was 5 hours round trip. anyway i believe my brain is dripping out of my nose from being overloaded with new information today. hope everyone is well and staying warm.
Well, I used to live off I-95 in Bucks County so I know how bad the highways are up in PA and I might even have an idea as to the route you might have to take to get to school (ugh if I'm right) in that cold crummy weather, so I do feel for you. On the other hand I think it's great that you're exactly where you want to be and I hope you do fantastically well. I'm down in warm and dry (too dry) N.C. these days but I know all too well how one's brains can seep out of one's nose when it's cold enough in PA. Have a great semester and look to the Spring!
Staying warm here .... congratulations on seeing the college thing through. From the start I have known you could do it and achieve your goals Oki. Much love as always and forever.