i went for a walk/run yesterday and now my ass cheeks hurt really bad from running up hill
. i have a little bit of time before i have to head off to work tonight. by all means i should be doing homework but all it seems that i can bring myself to do is stare out the window and fantasize about quiting my job. if it were'nt for day dreaming i would never make it through the day.
i got a present in the mail yesterday of the " soprano's cookbook". it super awesome!!! thanks you 1stxer.
well i'm off to brush my teeth and wash my face. wish me luck that my ass cheeks hold up through work tonight.

i got a present in the mail yesterday of the " soprano's cookbook". it super awesome!!! thanks you 1stxer.
well i'm off to brush my teeth and wash my face. wish me luck that my ass cheeks hold up through work tonight.


Just wondering though what would you do if you quit your job? I know you like to sleep late , that cool but I think that would get old after a couple of days,weeks. Yes , I have been commenting more thn usual lately, I have my reasons .... I have been a lot happier ... I want you to be happy ..... my usual one staement comments I normally leave, that is old stuff. Something a counselor told me several years ago. Talk to me and you will know what I mean.