I joined a gym last week.
I'm taking it seriously too. I've gone nearly every day since then (with the exception of Tuesday and today, my "rest days") and even though I haven't seen any progress yet (but really, who would? It's been A WEEK), I'm really happy with myself for getting off my ass and doing something about something for once.
i even started a new tumblr to help track. It's called actionace (which is a Superman nickname, natch). I may invite my workout buddy to post on the blog too, which might mean it'll change names, but that's ok.
How're y'all doin'?
I'm taking it seriously too. I've gone nearly every day since then (with the exception of Tuesday and today, my "rest days") and even though I haven't seen any progress yet (but really, who would? It's been A WEEK), I'm really happy with myself for getting off my ass and doing something about something for once.
i even started a new tumblr to help track. It's called actionace (which is a Superman nickname, natch). I may invite my workout buddy to post on the blog too, which might mean it'll change names, but that's ok.
How're y'all doin'?
Yay good for you! I started doing this Jillian Michaels workout this week to get toned, it's a four week program. Sucks but same sentiment as you, proud to be doing something! Even if I do feel like dying afterward