But in other news, I decided to snap pictures of my action figure collection, or as I like to call it, my money pit. Lord help me if I ever start collecting statues.
Someone also shooped this pic of Cyclops wearing Hipster Glasses, so I took it upon myself to make it into a hipster macro:
Most of the pics here are found on my Tumblr. Do any of you have tumblrs I don't know about? Add me and let me know! I like Tumblr. It's become my main time suck, I've even created a companion Tumblr for my site, which I use as a sort of Tumblr Feed for MultiversityComics. It only works sometimes though, because while I love it, Tumblr's default setting is broken, but you should follow if you can! I'm going to set up a contest for my feeds soon, you heard it here first.
I still tweet, but a little more...infrequently. My iPhone is acting up (the home button doesn't work anymore), and since I'm either going to upgrade to a Motorola Atrix or an iPhone 5 anyway. Weird that I'm at a crossroads, and I'll either stick with Apple or go with Android. Either way, the Atrix is SICK, and I'm sure the iPhone 5 will be awesome too. Even if it's like...a 4GS or something, I'd get it.