Hello there SG-Land. It's been a while since I updated, and it was under...less than stellar circumstances.
The good news is, I haven't had problems nearly as bad since I went to the doctor and changed my medication to something a bit more successful. the only downside is the increased price to...breathe, but you know, I'd rather be broke and breathing then a dead man with a slightly fuller pocket.
Works seems to be working out better. Ironically, the store seems to be less stressful during the holidays because there's less obsession with everything being in tip top condition, and just a focus on selling, which I'm quite good at. Maybe.
I get along pretty well with the new District Manager (AKA my boss' boss), and she talked to me about how much she loved the Scott Pilgrim movie. I'm tempted to lend her the books to see if she likes them.
No, I'm not a brown noser, I just love talking about comics and sharing them with like everyone.
In other news that's probably more important to me than anyone else, I'm changing up my style. Ever since I was a kid, I've always worn jeans and the funny t-shirts, which I suppose is quite popular. Maybe it comes from working in a clothing storeand being bored of silly t-shirts that never fit as well as they're supposed to (being either too narrow or too short), maybe I'm "growing up." I want to wear preppier clothes, and possibly even suits on day. Maybe the clothes don't make the man, but I feel like taking more pride in my appearance is a step forward. IDK. Here's a picture of me at work in a slightly preppier style. Something I could go for.

The good news is, I haven't had problems nearly as bad since I went to the doctor and changed my medication to something a bit more successful. the only downside is the increased price to...breathe, but you know, I'd rather be broke and breathing then a dead man with a slightly fuller pocket.
Works seems to be working out better. Ironically, the store seems to be less stressful during the holidays because there's less obsession with everything being in tip top condition, and just a focus on selling, which I'm quite good at. Maybe.
I get along pretty well with the new District Manager (AKA my boss' boss), and she talked to me about how much she loved the Scott Pilgrim movie. I'm tempted to lend her the books to see if she likes them.
No, I'm not a brown noser, I just love talking about comics and sharing them with like everyone.
In other news that's probably more important to me than anyone else, I'm changing up my style. Ever since I was a kid, I've always worn jeans and the funny t-shirts, which I suppose is quite popular. Maybe it comes from working in a clothing storeand being bored of silly t-shirts that never fit as well as they're supposed to (being either too narrow or too short), maybe I'm "growing up." I want to wear preppier clothes, and possibly even suits on day. Maybe the clothes don't make the man, but I feel like taking more pride in my appearance is a step forward. IDK. Here's a picture of me at work in a slightly preppier style. Something I could go for.


I like the style... I mean, shirts with funny pictures and sayings are awesome too, but change is always awesome