Starting to get the itch to get back into the dating game again. It's been a long time as I've been focusing on personal growth and figured it would be irresponsible of me to be with anyone while I'm working on myself. Feels kinda weird as it's been awhile since I've actively looked for anyone.
Ever get the feeling you were made for something bigger than what you're doing now?

Sometimes I wonder if I get these bouts of depression now and then because I have yet to find what it is I'm supposed to do. I feel like whatever it is I'm supposed to do, is something big. Not necessarily in the 'legendary" sense, but something that is bigger...
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my 2 cents... it doesn't help when what you are good at can't pay the bills...
yeah big time, I'm one of those people. I went into film production in college, bad decision, cause when I graduated, everyone had access to HD cameras and editing software became easier to use. So now everyone and their uncle think they're a videographer, and they're creating poorly shot and edited "home movies" and charging for it. Same goes for all the photographers out there, everyone thinks they're a photographer now. The whole industry has been so watered down and nearly impossible to compete with people that are willing to work for pennies. 7 years later I have to figure out what I'm going to do now.
Probably just a serious case of cabin fever. But anyone else have those moments where you're bored of everything you like?
Someone want to enlighten me on where the "duckface" came from? It seems to me the only ones who find it attractive or sexy are the ones making that face. I find it so unattractive, if makes you look like a dits or a bimbo, or just plain idiotic. I DON'T GET IT!
In a world where no one means what they say, where does the honest person fit in?

I've always been the "guy's point of view" advice friend for my female friends over the years. Anyone that knows me for more than a month, knows that I'm bluntly honest and I'm not the "tell you what you wanna hear" type of person. Hence why I'm usually...
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Another Valentines Day over. And I say good riddens, no it's not cause I'm jaded cause I'm single, it's because I hate what it represents.

When did the idea of love become like currency. How does buying expensive shit say you love someone more than just simply saying "I love you"?

Girls, if your man isn't enough with the gifts, he'll never be enough without...
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It's been 5 years since I joined this site, and for some reason now I felt the need to actually make a profile and post some things.

I love this site, it reminds me that I fit in somewhere in this messed up world. That what's attractive isn't limited to what the media and society tells us. That even us so called "deviants" have a...
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I'm sure we all have those friends where if you didn't contact them, you wouldn't talk, and if you didn't make plans, you wouldn't see eachother.

I decided to do an experiment with one said friend. 6 months ago I decided to stop talking to her to see how long it would take for her to finally get in contact with me. 6 months and...
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I feel you on that one man,