Word of advice to everyone:
Know who you are, NOT what you think you are. There's a big difference!
Don't bow to the popular or what's accepted. Be you regardless of outside pressure.
You'll thank yourself later for saving yourself the trouble of being someone you're not.
It's stressful being someone you're not! The sooner you realize this the better.
Figure out the characteristics that...
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I think the difficulty is seeing oneself without personal bias.
I wrote what I wrote there, but I still have trouble taking my own advice, it's tough!
Why is it I never expect others to change or adapt to me, yet the same courtesy is rarely extended to myself. I have 6 really close friends, so it's not like I'm so socially awkward that no one understands me. Tired of these people that expect others to change and adapt to them, what an arrogant way of thinking.
We do like to try and adapt our environment. smile
Really need to get rid of the so called hate in my life. I let the smallest things bug me, yet they're things that really don't affect what so ever. No use in expelling energy towards things that really don't matter when I could be using that energy on things that matter.
Ever feel so "ADD" that you can't figure out what you wanna do? I wanna listen to music, I feel like going for walk, I feel like watching tv, I feel like talking, I feel like eating, yadda yadda yadda. I dunno what to do!
Every once in awhile I really get the urge, push, feeling, whatever you wanna call it, that I need to go after something. What that something is, I don't know, I wish I knew! I never feel satisfied unless I've achieved something myself. I don't have issues with getting help when I need it, someone to show me some new tools and how to use...
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wise words!kiss
Thanks! sometimes I don't know how to verbalize or put down how I feel, this is one of the rare times!
Haven't posted in awhile, as there really hasn't been anything worth posting about.

Anyway, just finished the 5km Annual Rankin Cancer Run, raised some money, and came in with a time of 26:30, beat last year's time by 3:30 mins. I feel great to have participated in something so big, and something that hits home for me. My brother in law's memory was with me...
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So I just had a conversation with a friend, and she's one of those people who think there's someone out there for everyone, and I said well there is also the possibility there isn't someone out there for everyone. And she accused me of being negative. So I said, ok, it's like saying with how large the universe is, there has to be other intelligent...
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you practice box? i used to practice that sport, its really awesome
I train in muay thai, which is thai kickboxing smile
My brother in law after nearly 2 years of battling colon cancer has come to the end of his journey. I receive this news while celebrating the birthday of one of my closest friends. I have no idea how to feel, I'm drunk, I'm finally alone, I'm crying uncontrollably yet I feel relieved. I'm relieved he's not suffering anymore, yet I feel guilty I don't...
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Starting to get the itch to get back into the dating game again. It's been a long time as I've been focusing on personal growth and figured it would be irresponsible of me to be with anyone while I'm working on myself. Feels kinda weird as it's been awhile since I've actively looked for anyone.
Ever get the feeling you were made for something bigger than what you're doing now?

Sometimes I wonder if I get these bouts of depression now and then because I have yet to find what it is I'm supposed to do. I feel like whatever it is I'm supposed to do, is something big. Not necessarily in the 'legendary" sense, but something that is bigger...
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my 2 cents... it doesn't help when what you are good at can't pay the bills...
yeah big time, I'm one of those people. I went into film production in college, bad decision, cause when I graduated, everyone had access to HD cameras and editing software became easier to use. So now everyone and their uncle think they're a videographer, and they're creating poorly shot and edited "home movies" and charging for it. Same goes for all the photographers out there, everyone thinks they're a photographer now. The whole industry has been so watered down and nearly impossible to compete with people that are willing to work for pennies. 7 years later I have to figure out what I'm going to do now.