- on onelove420's post on ohbobby195's page
- on tulipe's photo
- on tulipe's blog post
- on topaz_'s post on ohbobby195's page
- on psychi's album
As I get on in years, it occurs to me that most of my life has been spent focusing on the negatives. So today I'd like to talk good and discuss some of my favorite things. In no particular order.
Number one: Fried chicken and Entenmann's chocolate frosted donuts. If you think those are 2 things, screw you. I don't care. When I was at...
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Hopefully within the next 30 days or so, I will once again be saying a fond "Eat my fucking shit" to the inescapable black hole that is New Jersey. Something about being here has always brought my mood down and made me a generally more awful person. Shorter tempered, drink heavier, more self destructive. So this time there should never come a day when I...
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I swear, this state is a miserable fucking inescapable black hole and everyone here sucks. 33 years, and every time I get far away enough to feel happy. To be able to breathe. Some uncontrollable bullshit rips me right back. I'm so through with it. From now on, I'm just going to be that weirdo that doesn't talk to anybody. I'll go from home to...
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So, I'm usually pretty oblivious to women hitting on me. Except the younger ones. Probably because they haven't learned any subtlety. And then I get called out for only being into young chicks. Which isn't the case.
One night as I was at home, smoking some bong hits with my roommates, I got the urge to have a burrito. Naturally. So at around midnight on this wednesday in March, I headed to the 7/11 in town. As I was waiting...
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Except for healthcare, at least we'll never go as low as that.

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i like the way u think, i think we girls where all aware that we where exposed to some pervs that didnt understand the concept and purpuse of this site, but is really nice to know about some one who does.
i join u in your frustration!!!

oh! and thank you for the add! (haha)

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I think Christina is half Ecuadorian. Haha .. I'm half PR tambien and I don't need to convince no one... lol
Oi, I haven't seen her lately though so I can't really say whats up or not.
But thank you for the friend requets baby ;D
My old lady is leaving for Italy for 2 weeks to spend christmas/new years with her family. I know I'll miss her, but what I'm thinking is that this time apart will make me realize that we shouldn't be together. I care about her but there are a lot of things about her that really piss me off. I can't...
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no offense but she sounds like a spastic needy bitch. if you have this many problems now think of how many you'll have in another 3 months.
sounds to me like you've already decided what to do, you just need to feel comfortable with that decision.
good luck either way.