My new glasses came in! Yay!! My Mom has always beaten into me that I should go with fine, thin frames so that they don't take sit like giant clunky things on my face. I've been wearing glasses since I was in 1st grade, so this means I have LOTS of pairs of glasses with thin frames, half-frames, and light neutral colors. This time, I went chunkier in a deep burgandy color and I am kind of digging them.
Old Glasses:

New Glasses (ignore the frazzled, dumpy look, please...I woke up late this morning, it's dress-down day at work, I have zero meetings, and am in fact the only person sitting in my suite right now, so I didn't spend much time styling or putting on make-up this morning...haha):

Anyone else like Futurama? Is it just me or have they actually gotten funnier in the recent seasons than they used to be? At one point last night I was laughing so hard I might have snorted...which doesn't happen all that often. Also - I love Shark Week. I have been watching a lot of shows this season where people are getting eaten. I'm not sure if that's just the "theme" for this year or if they've run out of scientific sharky facts to share, but I'm starting to feel wary about swimming in the ocean. Eek!
Lots of bitching about roommate frustrations, again:
Old Glasses:

New Glasses (ignore the frazzled, dumpy look, please...I woke up late this morning, it's dress-down day at work, I have zero meetings, and am in fact the only person sitting in my suite right now, so I didn't spend much time styling or putting on make-up this morning...haha):

Anyone else like Futurama? Is it just me or have they actually gotten funnier in the recent seasons than they used to be? At one point last night I was laughing so hard I might have snorted...which doesn't happen all that often. Also - I love Shark Week. I have been watching a lot of shows this season where people are getting eaten. I'm not sure if that's just the "theme" for this year or if they've run out of scientific sharky facts to share, but I'm starting to feel wary about swimming in the ocean. Eek!
Lots of bitching about roommate frustrations, again:
All of my pets have some really strange habits and they make me laugh like a fool at least once a day. I spend a lot of time at home and would be totally bored if they weren't around to amuse me. They do crazy things sleeping in/on dishes and squishing themselves into the smallest spaces possible...
Brutus Napping on a Bowl...
Scarlet Napping IN a Bowl...
Woody squishing himself into a chair...
And just for fun...Gizmo exploring the new hottub...
I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing weekend!
it was a mild stroke