I am starting a search for a new job. I applied for one yesterday that would be a slight pay cut...nothing major, but I am willing to take it because I officially hate my job now. I absolutely loved every minute of it for 2.5 years, was okay with it for another year after that, and have been absolutely miserable for the past 6 months. Sunday nights I lay awake with heartburn and nausea because I am so upset that a new week is starting at that place. My old management trusted my business knowledge and instincts and appreciated my opinion. I got at least a tiny say in everything they did.
The new management has moved to a culture that I do not approve of, one filled with mistrust and uncertainty, closed meetings and secret plans, so I started calling my director "The Great Oz" in my mind. My director calls all the shots, but no one ever sees him or talks to him directly. He makes decisions without asking the opinion or for input from the people actually doing the work. He refuses to speak to anyone who has a title less than "Assistant Director", and at the start of the new fiscal year on July 1, they are planning on increasing my prices to the point that I will have NO clients. They have taken away one of my necessary co-workers and moved her to another area where she is bored, so now I am doing HER job too. AND, he keeps throwing additional expenses onto my accounts so that I am responsible for covering them when they are not my expenses to be responsible for. So...Alpha, Mike, Foxtrot to you guys...the second I have something better, I am out. I have been the sole person working on these accounts for over 4 years. Have fun trying to catch up while I walk away smiling.
Is anyone in sales of any kind? The Great Oz expects me to find a comprehensive sales and financial software by April 1 (contract management, billable hours, client contact/meeting tracking abilities, budgeting, expense/revenue tracking, basically everything...) and I have no idea where to even start. Suggestions would be super helpful...
I graduate June 11th - it's official! Hooray!!! I finished up my quarter this morning and now get a whole week and a half with no classes. Yay!
Is anyone a member of the Eastern Stars or have a mother/sister/etc. who is? My Dad is concerned about how stressed I am and has been offering up suggestions to how I can bring more happiness to my life. So, he started telling me about this organization for women that is paired up with the Freemasons and how any woman who is related to a Freemason can join. They host social activities, participate in philanthropic activities, and pride themselves on giving back to their community. I read up on it and it looks VERY religious - like everything they do is based on Bible stories. I don't mind a little bit of Jeebus thrown into stuff I do, but I also don't want him hammered down my throat...so, I was hoping to find out from someone how intensely bible-centric it is...
Hope everyone is doing well!
The new management has moved to a culture that I do not approve of, one filled with mistrust and uncertainty, closed meetings and secret plans, so I started calling my director "The Great Oz" in my mind. My director calls all the shots, but no one ever sees him or talks to him directly. He makes decisions without asking the opinion or for input from the people actually doing the work. He refuses to speak to anyone who has a title less than "Assistant Director", and at the start of the new fiscal year on July 1, they are planning on increasing my prices to the point that I will have NO clients. They have taken away one of my necessary co-workers and moved her to another area where she is bored, so now I am doing HER job too. AND, he keeps throwing additional expenses onto my accounts so that I am responsible for covering them when they are not my expenses to be responsible for. So...Alpha, Mike, Foxtrot to you guys...the second I have something better, I am out. I have been the sole person working on these accounts for over 4 years. Have fun trying to catch up while I walk away smiling.
Is anyone in sales of any kind? The Great Oz expects me to find a comprehensive sales and financial software by April 1 (contract management, billable hours, client contact/meeting tracking abilities, budgeting, expense/revenue tracking, basically everything...) and I have no idea where to even start. Suggestions would be super helpful...
I graduate June 11th - it's official! Hooray!!! I finished up my quarter this morning and now get a whole week and a half with no classes. Yay!
Is anyone a member of the Eastern Stars or have a mother/sister/etc. who is? My Dad is concerned about how stressed I am and has been offering up suggestions to how I can bring more happiness to my life. So, he started telling me about this organization for women that is paired up with the Freemasons and how any woman who is related to a Freemason can join. They host social activities, participate in philanthropic activities, and pride themselves on giving back to their community. I read up on it and it looks VERY religious - like everything they do is based on Bible stories. I don't mind a little bit of Jeebus thrown into stuff I do, but I also don't want him hammered down my throat...so, I was hoping to find out from someone how intensely bible-centric it is...
Hope everyone is doing well!

It is about as bible centric as the Masons are. You would possibly enjoy it. Congratulations on getting close to graduation.
You'll be an easy hire once you get out there. Hope til then things go better for you. And as far as the last part......have fun with that?!?