Well, I am back from my weekend at the lakehouse...allow me to finally say *squeeee!* *YaY Buckeyes!* I had to be on my best non-gloating behavior this weekend since I was with Jon's family who are all avid Michigan fans. They didn't love me much when the game was over.
We went up Friday night, and Jon's friend from high school joined us since they were going to the game together. We walked in the door and Jon's mom presented me with a wedge of the most amazing bleu chese. Ohhh. Nom nom nom. I love how they love food as much as I do. And GOOD food too! We all got drunk (mom and dad included) and proceeded to play Apples to Apples...which to get the most out of, you REALLY need to play drunk. It was absolute hilarity. And as gross as this is, while we were playing I discovered a massive bump on my back. It was all red and puffy, and all I could think was that urban legend about the spider biting a lady and laying eggs in the bite and they grew there until they hatched and crawled out all over her. Jon kept telling me to keep my boil-filled self away from him
I woke up at like 5:30 on Saturday morning, and went to stoke the fire. First one awake is responsible for lighting the stove on the solarium (where our diningroom table happens to be) since there is no heat out there. I curled up in front of the stove and started Interview with the Vampire...which I've never read before...then we made sammiches and snacks for the boys, and they headed out. Jon's mom and I headed to this kick ass little store called Annie's Granery for her holiday open house. I spent way too much money, but got this fabulous cherry & jalepeno compote, as well as a sweet pepper dip. I also got my Christmas cards and some other holiday stuff. Oh, and an awesome hardcase wallet in burgandy leather that I love. After shopping, we headed home and I curled up on the couch to crochet some ferret toys for DevilsReject's sweet little furbabies until the game started. Half the neighborhood came over to watch the game, so there were about 8 people there. After the game they boys came home all wet and depressed. We drank some more and goofed around. I was exhausted from waking up at 5:30, so I was in bed at 10. Jon literally pushed me out of the bed at 4am, so I went to sleep on the couch. Apparently our big asses together cannot handle a double bed.
Poked around for a bit this morning, then we headed home. We made incredible time, and got home around 3:30. Jon had turned the heat off before we left, so our house was freezing and the cat was pissed. We brought a bunch of good leftovers home for dinner, so I don't even have to make anything tonight. I will finish my book and just relax. It's a short work-week coming up which means that I'll be working my ass off during those few days. I get off at 3pm on Wednesday and am off until next Monday. We'll be heading home to my mom for Thanksgiving, then back Friday morning since Jon has to work. I think we'll probably hit up Mid-Ohio Comic Con on Saturday, since that's right up Jon's alley.

We went up Friday night, and Jon's friend from high school joined us since they were going to the game together. We walked in the door and Jon's mom presented me with a wedge of the most amazing bleu chese. Ohhh. Nom nom nom. I love how they love food as much as I do. And GOOD food too! We all got drunk (mom and dad included) and proceeded to play Apples to Apples...which to get the most out of, you REALLY need to play drunk. It was absolute hilarity. And as gross as this is, while we were playing I discovered a massive bump on my back. It was all red and puffy, and all I could think was that urban legend about the spider biting a lady and laying eggs in the bite and they grew there until they hatched and crawled out all over her. Jon kept telling me to keep my boil-filled self away from him

I woke up at like 5:30 on Saturday morning, and went to stoke the fire. First one awake is responsible for lighting the stove on the solarium (where our diningroom table happens to be) since there is no heat out there. I curled up in front of the stove and started Interview with the Vampire...which I've never read before...then we made sammiches and snacks for the boys, and they headed out. Jon's mom and I headed to this kick ass little store called Annie's Granery for her holiday open house. I spent way too much money, but got this fabulous cherry & jalepeno compote, as well as a sweet pepper dip. I also got my Christmas cards and some other holiday stuff. Oh, and an awesome hardcase wallet in burgandy leather that I love. After shopping, we headed home and I curled up on the couch to crochet some ferret toys for DevilsReject's sweet little furbabies until the game started. Half the neighborhood came over to watch the game, so there were about 8 people there. After the game they boys came home all wet and depressed. We drank some more and goofed around. I was exhausted from waking up at 5:30, so I was in bed at 10. Jon literally pushed me out of the bed at 4am, so I went to sleep on the couch. Apparently our big asses together cannot handle a double bed.
Poked around for a bit this morning, then we headed home. We made incredible time, and got home around 3:30. Jon had turned the heat off before we left, so our house was freezing and the cat was pissed. We brought a bunch of good leftovers home for dinner, so I don't even have to make anything tonight. I will finish my book and just relax. It's a short work-week coming up which means that I'll be working my ass off during those few days. I get off at 3pm on Wednesday and am off until next Monday. We'll be heading home to my mom for Thanksgiving, then back Friday morning since Jon has to work. I think we'll probably hit up Mid-Ohio Comic Con on Saturday, since that's right up Jon's alley.
i like the idea of the Mid Ohio Comic Con, sounds like it would be fun and its something to do next weekend and will at least get me out of the house for a lil while! plus ive NEVER been to a comic con! and maybe ill actually get to meet jon?