Yep...still feel like rainbows and puppy dog kisses. Although I am blogging right now in an attempt to keep from slipping into a hypothermia-induced coma. Stupid office and their inability to gauge whether the heat or AC should be on. I promise should be heat coming out of my vents...not AC...
Let's see...
- Had a giant business finance midterm last Wednesday night. Felt confident regarding everything except profit maximization. I really don't remember going over that AT ALL. *shrugs* I guess I'll know for sure how I did when I go to class tonight.
- Spent nearly all of my free time last week writing a History midterm paper that is due tonight. I have no problems writing papers...if you asked me to do an opinion piece or a subject that I gave a crap about, I would have it done in 35 minutes. I just can't get excited about the French Enlightenment though. *meh*
- Had a crazy amount of meetings last week...I have a conference on Friday, so the majority of the meetings were about that.
- Friday night went out with a huge group of people from my college days. I think total there were about 12 of us. We started at the A-Cafe and ate lots of really tasty mini-pizzas. My old roommate Adrian got shouted at by his slightly insane girlfriend in front of EVERYONE. And he is quite possibly the nicest guy I'm doubting he did anything to her. He used to bring me orange juice in bed when I was sick. Haha. I spent most of my time on the patio with Sam and Bryan, just chain smoking and talking about the way life used to be. We are turning into old, grumpy, assholes...and it makes me giggle. We left A-Cafe after we ate and headed to a bar whose name I cannot remember...Sammy, Bryan, Jimmy, and I were kicked back in the car on the way there singing all the songs we used to love. Bryan did his Sugarcult "Memory" dance for me. I giggled. Whitest white boy, EVER. Did a whole shit ton of lemondrops and way drunk...didn't inappropriately text a single person or flirt with anyone around me. That might be a first. I used to drunk text EVERYONE inappropriate things. Got taken home (after demanding that I be taken to Taco Bell), and proceeded to drop half a taco in my lap while using said taco as a means of emphasizing certain statements I was making. So, I had the dog running around the kitchen chasing tomatoes and cheese that were flying everywhere. Boyfriend laughed at me. Then laughed even harder when my dad called at 9am on Saturday and said he was almost to our house and I said he could turn around and go home since my head was assploding.
- Saturday I went to the Buckeye game with dad. Oh, and he brought me about 5lbs. of Lake Erie perch. Nom nom nom. I am SERIOUSLY considering skipping my second class tonight so I can go home and make some. I got way sunburnt. I look a little like a red raccoon, actually. Then I decided I was going to stay in for the night and just relax. Of course, me staying in meant boyfriend would leave. Haha, so he went to hang out with some friends, and I just laid around in jammies, worked on my midterm, and texted people. Lately, I've been getting a lot of sass from people about the fact that I go out "too often" and don't take Jon...Jon and I are just independent and want to spend time with our own friends once in a while...sometimes I go with him, sometimes he goes with me, but we also want alone time once in a while. Doesn't mean I loves him any less.
- Sunday the child came over. I did a bad, bad thing...I completely ignored Jon and kept sneaking her cookies. Haha. I think by the time she left that day she had probably eaten 6 full-size chocolate chip cookies. I'm allowed to sneak her little treats once in a while. Secretly, I am trying to buy her love...especially now that I know I'm marrying her dad. The LAST thing I need is her deciding she doesn't like me...because I know that in Jon's world, his kid comes first and he'd pick her over me.
- Okay...I guess that blog was a little negative, but I still feel MOSTLY like rainbows and puppy dog kisses. I just need to catch up on my sleep a bit...which I will do this week.
That is all for now...I am looking VERY forward to a weekend spent hanging out and acting stupid with Trickynicki and DevilsReject. Oh, and Jon will be going with me for atleast part of it. I get so nervous when I introduce him to new people... Crap.
Let's see...
- Had a giant business finance midterm last Wednesday night. Felt confident regarding everything except profit maximization. I really don't remember going over that AT ALL. *shrugs* I guess I'll know for sure how I did when I go to class tonight.
- Spent nearly all of my free time last week writing a History midterm paper that is due tonight. I have no problems writing papers...if you asked me to do an opinion piece or a subject that I gave a crap about, I would have it done in 35 minutes. I just can't get excited about the French Enlightenment though. *meh*
- Had a crazy amount of meetings last week...I have a conference on Friday, so the majority of the meetings were about that.
- Friday night went out with a huge group of people from my college days. I think total there were about 12 of us. We started at the A-Cafe and ate lots of really tasty mini-pizzas. My old roommate Adrian got shouted at by his slightly insane girlfriend in front of EVERYONE. And he is quite possibly the nicest guy I'm doubting he did anything to her. He used to bring me orange juice in bed when I was sick. Haha. I spent most of my time on the patio with Sam and Bryan, just chain smoking and talking about the way life used to be. We are turning into old, grumpy, assholes...and it makes me giggle. We left A-Cafe after we ate and headed to a bar whose name I cannot remember...Sammy, Bryan, Jimmy, and I were kicked back in the car on the way there singing all the songs we used to love. Bryan did his Sugarcult "Memory" dance for me. I giggled. Whitest white boy, EVER. Did a whole shit ton of lemondrops and way drunk...didn't inappropriately text a single person or flirt with anyone around me. That might be a first. I used to drunk text EVERYONE inappropriate things. Got taken home (after demanding that I be taken to Taco Bell), and proceeded to drop half a taco in my lap while using said taco as a means of emphasizing certain statements I was making. So, I had the dog running around the kitchen chasing tomatoes and cheese that were flying everywhere. Boyfriend laughed at me. Then laughed even harder when my dad called at 9am on Saturday and said he was almost to our house and I said he could turn around and go home since my head was assploding.
- Saturday I went to the Buckeye game with dad. Oh, and he brought me about 5lbs. of Lake Erie perch. Nom nom nom. I am SERIOUSLY considering skipping my second class tonight so I can go home and make some. I got way sunburnt. I look a little like a red raccoon, actually. Then I decided I was going to stay in for the night and just relax. Of course, me staying in meant boyfriend would leave. Haha, so he went to hang out with some friends, and I just laid around in jammies, worked on my midterm, and texted people. Lately, I've been getting a lot of sass from people about the fact that I go out "too often" and don't take Jon...Jon and I are just independent and want to spend time with our own friends once in a while...sometimes I go with him, sometimes he goes with me, but we also want alone time once in a while. Doesn't mean I loves him any less.
- Sunday the child came over. I did a bad, bad thing...I completely ignored Jon and kept sneaking her cookies. Haha. I think by the time she left that day she had probably eaten 6 full-size chocolate chip cookies. I'm allowed to sneak her little treats once in a while. Secretly, I am trying to buy her love...especially now that I know I'm marrying her dad. The LAST thing I need is her deciding she doesn't like me...because I know that in Jon's world, his kid comes first and he'd pick her over me.
- Okay...I guess that blog was a little negative, but I still feel MOSTLY like rainbows and puppy dog kisses. I just need to catch up on my sleep a bit...which I will do this week.
That is all for now...I am looking VERY forward to a weekend spent hanging out and acting stupid with Trickynicki and DevilsReject. Oh, and Jon will be going with me for atleast part of it. I get so nervous when I introduce him to new people... Crap.
Tirnewydd (Shire of Middle Marches)
Franklin County OH
Cellach mac Cormaic (Jesse Weber)
2825 Neil Ave; Apt 906
Columbus, OH 43202-2078
btw outside of school and the wife and kitties I have no life
i no longer allowed to nom nom nom you.