Hello lovelies, it's been a while since I've blogged. I've really been busy lately with not only finishing up school and starting my new business, but really trying to find happiness within myself. I was tired of living day to day with so many complaints, whether it was finding something wrong with myself or the situation I was currently in. Instead of focusing on the good in my life, I was paying more attention to all of the negative. I am still working on focusing more on the positive versus the negative, but camping this last weekend with no cell phone service and being away from civilization was a damn good place to start. I know I don't have the perfect body, but becoming a part of SG has really helped to show me that it's not all about having the perfect body, but loving the body that you have. I am so happy with myself for finally accepting my body with all of my scars and stretch marks, as they are constant reminders that I am actively living my life. I'm really striving to connect with my soul and what life has to offer, rather than focusing on all of the hate that life can create.
Anyways! Now that I've successfully graduated from college and started my new business adventure with Perfectly Posh, I will be back to posting more and being more active with SG. Thank you to all of you for your continuing love and support! I can't wait for all of you to see my first set when it goes live in one month!
Xoxo, Odyssey♥
Congrats on finishing school...best wishes on your new endeavors.
Great news! I kicked Comcast to the curb 2 months ago to shed myself of media's 'need-to-be like/hate' angst. Dr says my bp lowered about 7-8 points since!