ok heres whats up..im fuckin pissed. after all the shit i do for my parents, favors, random requests, making them look like the idol parents infront of important family, i get fuckin shafted. it never fails. i asked for a ride to a friends tonight, cause i didnt want to hastle her, and i got shut down. knowing full fickin well that my car was totaled only 2 months ago, and knowing full well that she only lives like 5 min. away. they still say no. what the fuck is that. im about one anurism and a seizure from just leaving all together. and its a none stop situation. i do every thing they want and all i get is the fucking "a fan gual" (italian for aw fuck it). the only time i get a little favor done is when its at their convinence despite my endless and continuing help for them despite my ever tightening schedual... fuck them, fuck what they want me to do. thats todays journal. *cast finger in parents general direction*

Hasn't worked out so great for my neice however, but hey what the hell, not my kid
[Edited on Apr 12, 2004 11:40PM]