And you may have a pretty considerable good sort of a feeble notion that it don't fit nohow: and that it ain't calculated to make you smart overmuch: and that you don't feel special bright, and by no means first-rate, and not at all tonguey: and that, however rowdy you may be by natur', it does it does use you up com-plete, and that's a...
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Q: Does leftover corn make a good snack?

A: No, it does not.
Trivial things that I now find stupid and intolerable:

Abraham Lincoln beards

In Scots law, an appeal is called a "falsing of dooms."

We have the most bad-ass death metal band name ever there.
An apparent dispute over cow milking methodology in Fort Pierce escalated into a foot chase with a machete, sending a 61-year-old man to jail, according to recently released records.
Goddam it was a long time since I had been to a hardcore show. Goodbye GRIDS. You will be missed.
exactly right
by Charles Bukowski

the strays keep arriving: now we have 5
cats and they are smart, spontaneous, self-
absorbed, naturally poised and awesomely

one of the finest things about cats is
that when you're feeling down, very down,
if you just look at the cat at rest,
at the way they sit or lie and wait,
it's a grand lesson in persevering...
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Last night's conversation:

"I'm not trying to out you, but you're Claire Danes right?"
"You're here in Charlotte and you decided to come a little club to see local bands? That's awesome. I hope you enjoy it."
The lowest part is free but he can't leave home 'cause he can't leave the signal alone...