So tonight was "date" number the process I really upset a good friend of mine (my plans changed at the last minute and it meant alienating a long-time friend and I feel really bad about that). The day/evening was nice but strangely platonic. I really like her and am attracted to her (and she gave me a Sleep shirt) but two things struck me. #1 For many hours I kept trying to find the right time to tell her that I liked her and was attracted to her and then follow that up by asking what she thought of me but I just couldn't get it out. Very odd...I haven't been in that situation for so long, it felt so foreign. #2 There was more than one occassion where I felt she really wasn't attracted to me but then there were a few others where she might have been but nothing I could really pick up's something I'm just going to have to ask. One of the problems I have with asking is that I'm not sure how much I can trust the answer. No matter how honest many of consider ourselves to be it's never easy telling someone that you're not attracted to I worry about getting some placating response. I know, I'm over analyzing but right now my instincts are all over the place and I'm really big on trusting my instincts. Well I'm fairly certain that I'll be seeing her again tomorrow...maybe I'll be in "go for broke" mode ![biggrin](
Good luck!