So I'm really bad with seeing movies. I usually just stick to my "its probably going to suck" frame of mind and talk myself out of seeing just about everything. Well I somehow managed to drag myself to a movie theater to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.....well, it made me physically nauseous. I could barely take it...and several times I nearly walked out to go throw up. Now that might sound like a negative review but I really liked the movie but it just hit really close to home and it was a little uncomfortable seeing much of my life and many of the things I'm not very happy with on the screen. It's a very, very good movie and I highly recommend it to everyone.
In more important main amp is now louder than ever...I know everyone is desperate to find out just how my guitar tone is
I do actually spend an obscene amount of time worrying about latest brilliant idea is to build a double neck with bass and guitar necks kinda like the guy in the japanese stoner rock band Boris.
In more important main amp is now louder than ever...I know everyone is desperate to find out just how my guitar tone is
I'm making dinner: scrambled eggs with salsa and bacon. and steamed corn. Martha Stewart I am not. Luckily I have a boy who will one day cook for my bachelor ass.
My slave was trying to cheer me up. He suggested it as a game. He's a very sweet boy. I'm still thinking of how to write it. I've been wanting to write some erotica too, so there's a small part of me right now who wants to write an erotic piece with those three elements. *laugh*