So I got called out today at work. This kid says during break, and not like coming up to me but yells from his spot:
Do you know this website called suicidegirls?
Boy: are you on it?
Boy: Do you have, like, pics on there ?"
Me "....a couple, but I'm not a Girl, I'm a member. who are you there?"
Boy: Oh I'm not a member I just look at it sometimes.
Other boy: what's suicide girls?
Other boys:oh yeah, I heard about them from probot....yeah...suicide girls dot com..... yeah....
I fervently go back to reading my book, the same book which becomes a problem on the train but we'll talk about that later.
As I am sitting there I think
'how did he figure that one out?'
The only way I can think of is if he searched by vicinity, but mine is in Nevada.... And the only pics I have that are available to non members are on the screw off thread....which maybe he read....I dunno, it was weird and it gave me a little taste of what it could be like to actually pose for a site and be recognized...of course I was already naked all the day so not a big change, there.
Then on the train this cute boy sits down next to me and I am desperately trying to hide the title of the book I am reading* so as not to seem like a complete idiot, and I thought maybe I should get out my other book** to look cooler, cuz it's science fiction but the move would feel so stilted and so obviously for the benefit of this guy that I just sit there frozen and looking out the window for a while. So I got off the train having said nothing to this cute boy and kicking myself for it. As usual.
*prozac nation-which I am reading purely for it's historical significance as a book that defined a generation. And to find out why. Really, I myself am feeling ok, and I feel rather separated from her depression which is a little grating after a while. I just want to throw her in a war zone or something. I think it's odd that the most depressed fucked up people are ones in this 1st world country.
**king rat- china mieville's first book. Which is ok but much more like " I am making up a story" than " I have been channeling another universe through my pen" which is basically how his other books are to me.
PS.kiss my ass.
Do you know this website called suicidegirls?
Boy: are you on it?
Boy: Do you have, like, pics on there ?"
Me "....a couple, but I'm not a Girl, I'm a member. who are you there?"
Boy: Oh I'm not a member I just look at it sometimes.
Other boy: what's suicide girls?
Other boys:oh yeah, I heard about them from probot....yeah...suicide girls dot com..... yeah....
I fervently go back to reading my book, the same book which becomes a problem on the train but we'll talk about that later.
As I am sitting there I think
'how did he figure that one out?'
The only way I can think of is if he searched by vicinity, but mine is in Nevada.... And the only pics I have that are available to non members are on the screw off thread....which maybe he read....I dunno, it was weird and it gave me a little taste of what it could be like to actually pose for a site and be recognized...of course I was already naked all the day so not a big change, there.
Then on the train this cute boy sits down next to me and I am desperately trying to hide the title of the book I am reading* so as not to seem like a complete idiot, and I thought maybe I should get out my other book** to look cooler, cuz it's science fiction but the move would feel so stilted and so obviously for the benefit of this guy that I just sit there frozen and looking out the window for a while. So I got off the train having said nothing to this cute boy and kicking myself for it. As usual.
*prozac nation-which I am reading purely for it's historical significance as a book that defined a generation. And to find out why. Really, I myself am feeling ok, and I feel rather separated from her depression which is a little grating after a while. I just want to throw her in a war zone or something. I think it's odd that the most depressed fucked up people are ones in this 1st world country.
**king rat- china mieville's first book. Which is ok but much more like " I am making up a story" than " I have been channeling another universe through my pen" which is basically how his other books are to me.
PS.kiss my ass.