I had my Bday BBQ yesterday.
It turned out well and although I spent most of the time lighting candles here, putting flowers there, arranging the sound system and answering questions of where's this kind of utensil and should we go get more alcohol, I had a lot of fun.sixsixty andbabybeezer
showed up although he had thought it was happening on sunday instead of sat, but that was ok bcse at least I got to spend a wee bit of time with the beez, who is driving back down to LA today.
papawheelie has the coolest BBQ and this starter that you can use so you don't have to use lighter fluid (blech), though he himself was mostly getting over an illness.
bombshellbetty was super sick and unfortunately had to stay in bed all day.
But it turned out well although I didn't get to go the the dance party I wanted to, bcse my disco nap turned into heavy wine besotted sleep. Though I woke up at 4 am, and couldn't get back to sleep...that has been happening a lot lately. I should have just kept reading "the Scar" but I just lay there berating myself for not going to the other party, and suddenly realizing I said yes to playing some discs at Knees up in six days!
yeah I really couldn't get back to sleep after thinking about that. Fuck--whatever shall I play?
Tonight, Led Zep DVD!!!
It turned out well and although I spent most of the time lighting candles here, putting flowers there, arranging the sound system and answering questions of where's this kind of utensil and should we go get more alcohol, I had a lot of fun.sixsixty andbabybeezer

papawheelie has the coolest BBQ and this starter that you can use so you don't have to use lighter fluid (blech), though he himself was mostly getting over an illness.
bombshellbetty was super sick and unfortunately had to stay in bed all day.

But it turned out well although I didn't get to go the the dance party I wanted to, bcse my disco nap turned into heavy wine besotted sleep. Though I woke up at 4 am, and couldn't get back to sleep...that has been happening a lot lately. I should have just kept reading "the Scar" but I just lay there berating myself for not going to the other party, and suddenly realizing I said yes to playing some discs at Knees up in six days!
yeah I really couldn't get back to sleep after thinking about that. Fuck--whatever shall I play?
Tonight, Led Zep DVD!!!
I was working anyhow...
are you gonna show up at the arrow? I'm gonna stop by and have a drink... it'd be cool to see you.
Juliana too.
-Juliana rawks, it also rawked when he sster was all grinding on me on a dance floor. yum