Well I am sure that lovely boy is on his way back up to Quebec. And I don't just love French accents, I love all sorts of accents. Except of course for the S.I. accent.
I do love irish or scottish even more, escpecially when spoken by Ewan McGregor...
I love a soft low female voice speaking japanese, I only wish that it was mine.
I love the sound of russian. It is like a hearty chunky stew and I especially love to sing Russian (or other slavic) songs and I miss that.
*(Does anyone else have something that is underlining words in sentences here like "contact lenses" or something that links to an advert? Strange and I don't know if it is just my Dad's computer.)*
OH yeah. My Dad knows my screen name now, although I haven't told him where I use it but if he googles it he will be led here. Ah well, shall I tell him that I am bi too? I think that is pretty obvious and it doesn't mean much unless I actually come home with a girlfriend, which I haven't. Have I?
Well merry chrimble. I need to go burn a bunch of music for everyone and finish the covers for the cds. Yeah it might be lame but they all depend on me to give them new music anyway. The fact that I can and will do it at any given point in the year hardly matters.
I was going to give everyone "Dude, Whore's My country?" by Michael Moore but I couldn't fathom entering into a B&N or [god help me] the mall *shudder* I hate going there any other time of the year anyway.
Oh and there were elephants in my dream and then I saw them in a shop and then I saw a decorated tree that looked like one. What does that mean? In my dream the main one was a girl and she was learning how to swim. Her name [not surprisingly] was "ella".
kisses to all of you and I am feeling better and hope to hang with the magenta, jazmin and sgny crew soon!
Oh who am I kidding I will probably be on here tomorrow.
I do love irish or scottish even more, escpecially when spoken by Ewan McGregor...
I love a soft low female voice speaking japanese, I only wish that it was mine.
I love the sound of russian. It is like a hearty chunky stew and I especially love to sing Russian (or other slavic) songs and I miss that.
*(Does anyone else have something that is underlining words in sentences here like "contact lenses" or something that links to an advert? Strange and I don't know if it is just my Dad's computer.)*
OH yeah. My Dad knows my screen name now, although I haven't told him where I use it but if he googles it he will be led here. Ah well, shall I tell him that I am bi too? I think that is pretty obvious and it doesn't mean much unless I actually come home with a girlfriend, which I haven't. Have I?
Well merry chrimble. I need to go burn a bunch of music for everyone and finish the covers for the cds. Yeah it might be lame but they all depend on me to give them new music anyway. The fact that I can and will do it at any given point in the year hardly matters.
I was going to give everyone "Dude, Whore's My country?" by Michael Moore but I couldn't fathom entering into a B&N or [god help me] the mall *shudder* I hate going there any other time of the year anyway.
Oh and there were elephants in my dream and then I saw them in a shop and then I saw a decorated tree that looked like one. What does that mean? In my dream the main one was a girl and she was learning how to swim. Her name [not surprisingly] was "ella".
kisses to all of you and I am feeling better and hope to hang with the magenta, jazmin and sgny crew soon!
Oh who am I kidding I will probably be on here tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!
How'd your dad find out your screen name? You got a tattle tale or something? My parents wouldn't be surprised by anything I do anymore. Really. It's kinda nice, and it's kinda annoying when I drop a proverbial bombshell and all I get is a "that's nice dear."