Here I am, staying awake when the best thing for me to do is sleep. I had a long weekend and my body needs the rest to get through the week or else I will be hating life. But I hate life anyway so what's the big deal?
Ha ha.
I cannot find my keys. I have yet to go through my whole laundry basket...I have spares of most of my keys, but the one irking me the most is my bike lock key for which I have only one...
I had a pretty epic weekend. LDE on sat and sunday was "How Berkeley Can You Be?" which consists mainly of an art car fest and music and people dressing crazy. I remet some folks and made new friends who are burners and live a couple of blocks away from me! They had this very playa truck with a bar and a dancefloor and booming some hip hop and i just stayed there and danced. It was exactly what I needed. And watching it drive off from The civic center with people dancing and grooving on the back just made my heart explode with longing for more of just that kind of joyous incongruity.
And they are very welcoming folks and know more Burnery people around the neighborhood. I just _knew_ there had to be some around here, I just didn't know how to look.
Yay for community! yay for me performing! Boo for me fucking off my work. Well I am not fucking it off totally I am just not budgeting my time so I am at my best for the classes. I think tomorrow might be pretty easy, though, and I don't have to leave the house till 11. But I stayed up late the past couple of nights and I know from experience that that is really going to take a toll on me.
yeah. But it was a good time.
Now. Where the fuck are my keys???!!!!!!
Ha ha.
I cannot find my keys. I have yet to go through my whole laundry basket...I have spares of most of my keys, but the one irking me the most is my bike lock key for which I have only one...
I had a pretty epic weekend. LDE on sat and sunday was "How Berkeley Can You Be?" which consists mainly of an art car fest and music and people dressing crazy. I remet some folks and made new friends who are burners and live a couple of blocks away from me! They had this very playa truck with a bar and a dancefloor and booming some hip hop and i just stayed there and danced. It was exactly what I needed. And watching it drive off from The civic center with people dancing and grooving on the back just made my heart explode with longing for more of just that kind of joyous incongruity.
And they are very welcoming folks and know more Burnery people around the neighborhood. I just _knew_ there had to be some around here, I just didn't know how to look.
Yay for community! yay for me performing! Boo for me fucking off my work. Well I am not fucking it off totally I am just not budgeting my time so I am at my best for the classes. I think tomorrow might be pretty easy, though, and I don't have to leave the house till 11. But I stayed up late the past couple of nights and I know from experience that that is really going to take a toll on me.
yeah. But it was a good time.
Now. Where the fuck are my keys???!!!!!!
Im gonna push for a better water heater soon. prolly right after reflooring the kitchen next month. haven't seen the keys. last time i saw them they were carabeenered on to your bike's milk crate thinger