The blog about nothing...
Mostly I enjoy just surfing the site and commenting on other people's pages and having discussions with whoever feels like talking.
I don't really expect anyone to even look at my profile since I'm just some old married guy and most people here are pretty young. But I thought I'd put this up just in case anyone found their way here so if they did want to strike up a conversation with me about anything they'd have a place to do it.
Maybe I should post why I'm even on the site to begin with since I'm a happily married guy.
Well the most obvious reason is I find the SGs exceptionally hot. That's a shocker, hrm? ha.
But also it's a cool place to talk with people from all over the world that have a wide array of opinions on all types of issues. That's probably what will keep me around more than anything. I'm full of opinions that I love to share. lol I may disagree with you, but if we only talked with people we agreed with, then nobody would ever grow as a person. I'll post this and sit back and watch the comments FLY in. haha...seriously I don't expect to get any comments, but feel free if you have the inclination.
Mostly I enjoy just surfing the site and commenting on other people's pages and having discussions with whoever feels like talking.
I don't really expect anyone to even look at my profile since I'm just some old married guy and most people here are pretty young. But I thought I'd put this up just in case anyone found their way here so if they did want to strike up a conversation with me about anything they'd have a place to do it.
Maybe I should post why I'm even on the site to begin with since I'm a happily married guy.
Well the most obvious reason is I find the SGs exceptionally hot. That's a shocker, hrm? ha.
But also it's a cool place to talk with people from all over the world that have a wide array of opinions on all types of issues. That's probably what will keep me around more than anything. I'm full of opinions that I love to share. lol I may disagree with you, but if we only talked with people we agreed with, then nobody would ever grow as a person. I'll post this and sit back and watch the comments FLY in. haha...seriously I don't expect to get any comments, but feel free if you have the inclination.

oh and people will still talk to ya if your married!!! lol.
no, i took a few of those tests. All negative. But my period is still missing. Maybe I lost it behind the couch or something. I found jesus there once, so maybe my period slipped through the cushions as well......