We're off to Louisiana! We're going to ride west, then south, attempting to avoid the remnants of Jeanne. I don't mind riding in the rain, but that's because I'm brain damaged.
I wish I were riding my own bike; it gets boring riding cupcake for so long. It also makes me sleepy, and I'll nod off and bonk my helmet on my husband, which freaks him out. Poor poor poor poor husband.
Next time I'll be writing you from the "bustling metropolis" of Natchitoches, Lousiana. Until then,
I wish I were riding my own bike; it gets boring riding cupcake for so long. It also makes me sleepy, and I'll nod off and bonk my helmet on my husband, which freaks him out. Poor poor poor poor husband.
Next time I'll be writing you from the "bustling metropolis" of Natchitoches, Lousiana. Until then,

Oddly, having all my stuff packed makes me feel free and, though the word will sound strange, compact. Like I could go anywhere and do anything. I don't feel so spread out, anymore. I hate where I am, right now. I love where I am, right now.
Have a great time