So, I'm tired but my knees are aching terribly. I can't get comfortable in any position I've tried, so trying to sleep would be pointless right now. Mike leaves for Iraq tomorrow. Well, he gets locked down on base for the smallpox vaccine tomorrow.. he doesn't actually leave until thursday morning. Either way, tomorrow he leaves.

I'll miss you sweetie.

The weather down here is...
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Aaaand I'm homesick.

I'll be able to get home soon though. I'm nervous about the trip, as I'll be driving a stick shift (gross) alone (gross) cross country.. with a dog and possibly a cat. Lame.

I'm just so frazzled lately. I literally feel like I'm losing my mind. As in "they locked grandma up in the nuthouse" crazy. My new doctor diagnosed me with...
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I have absolutely nothing to do at the moment.

I'm broke, and it's raining.
I suppose I could run down to the fitness room and work out for a little while, but the rain has my ankle aching. It would give me something to do though.. I suppose I'll run down there in a bit.

Anyway, I'm bored and I hadn't been on in a...
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Oh goodness, it's been far too long.

I've been busy with school and such. I still only have one friend in the area. frown I just moved to Mississippi, and it's awfully lonely not knowing anyone. My husband doesn't like to go out with people much so I don't get to meet anyone really. I think he does it on purpose.

I'm excited about visiting home...
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I got to sleep in today, and it was nice but it made me feel lazy.

I don't have anything due for school today so today I don't really have anything to do but read some for school. That I should have done last week but, I never got around to it.

The cable guy should be here between 1 and 5. It's about time!...
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Your deviant art page is cool. I hope you plan on posting more. I've wanted to learn more about Photoshop and I downloaded a tutorial - just haven't gotten around to it. I hope you'll be on Suicide Girls for a while because, while it can't cure homesickness, it can be one hell of a distraction.
I was interested in seeing your stuff but i had never been on that site before and could not find them. If you are interested I have a site that went up today Subculture Arts & Expressions if you get a chance go check it out. Because this is the first day I only have my stuff up but I have 4 others going on this week. If you are interested on getting your own gallery on there let me know.