10:08 a.m. : Met my father to put my dog of 14 years to sleep. We carried him out of the house in a sheet.
1:00 p.m. : they finally nix him.
1:45 : I return to this fucking town.
the next 7-8 hours pass in a blur... somewhere along the lines my friends dropped acid, and we ended up lost on a quarter-tank by a cemetery way out on the country roads.
10:10 p.m. : "Smith" won't stop calling me, for hours... total of 23 missed calls. My friends decide to have a little fun. They threaten and humiliate him telling him if he just "loses the number, there won't be a problem"... this continues until he "buys a clue".
11:30 p.m. : things are picking up, starting to become interesting.
12:05 a.m. : Someone is at the door. Friend 1 answers the door while I and friends 2&3 are in the kitchen, just out of view. Whomever it is (which I recognized immediately) asks for friends 2&3 to come out and "settle the problem". Friend one leans in to get friends 2&3, and while he's not looking, the someones completely trash the windows of the front doors with their base-ball bats. Friends 1,2,3, chase them, but can't find the people who ran like little fucking cunts to their car.
12:20 a.m. : Things are taken care of... They picked the WRONG people to threaten. Obviously.
I hope you enjoy.
10:08 a.m. : Met my father to put my dog of 14 years to sleep. We carried him out of the house in a sheet.
1:00 p.m. : they finally nix him.
1:45 : I return to this fucking town.
the next 7-8 hours pass in a blur... somewhere along the lines my friends dropped acid, and we ended up lost on a quarter-tank by a cemetery way out on the country roads.
10:10 p.m. : "Smith" won't stop calling me, for hours... total of 23 missed calls. My friends decide to have a little fun. They threaten and humiliate him telling him if he just "loses the number, there won't be a problem"... this continues until he "buys a clue".
11:30 p.m. : things are picking up, starting to become interesting.
12:05 a.m. : Someone is at the door. Friend 1 answers the door while I and friends 2&3 are in the kitchen, just out of view. Whomever it is (which I recognized immediately) asks for friends 2&3 to come out and "settle the problem". Friend one leans in to get friends 2&3, and while he's not looking, the someones completely trash the windows of the front doors with their base-ball bats. Friends 1,2,3, chase them, but can't find the people who ran like little fucking cunts to their car.
12:20 a.m. : Things are taken care of... They picked the WRONG people to threaten. Obviously.
I hope you enjoy.
that's really messed up with those people showing up to the house and then breaking the windows. though if you knew who it was i imagine that really settling the score probably was not that difficult to do...