Everything is good. The hospital has been crazy lately. One of the wierd things that always seems to happen is that right aroundthe holidays... especially he few days right after a major holiday (like thanksgiving)...is that sick people die. As an EMT I had more ambulance calls in the few days after Xmas than any other time. My own grandmother died 2 days before christmas in 2000. So lo and behold this weekend between friday morning and sunday morning we had 6 codes... four of which died on the floor, one we resuscitated and sent him to the ICU (he's doing well but had a massive heart attack) and one is inubated in the ICU... and we don't expect him to make it. Four of them I was kind of expecting it to happen anyway, but two I was not... one wasa 46 year old female whose cardiac enzymes were elevated for two days and her nurse did nothing (cadiac enzymes means part of the heart is being damaged by not getting enough oxygen, usually by clogged arteies)... It's one of the sucky parts of the medical field, watching peopl you've been taking care of die. It's not so bad when you're expecting it, but it kinda sucks when it's sudden.
Otherwise, things are good. All you JERSEY people, I'm going to see Chump play at a place called Rhythm and Brews on Newark-Pompton Turnpike in Pequannock (Zac stop being mr.nonconformist and give them a shot) on Saturday night so COME HANG OUT!
Happy Dec 1st!
Otherwise, things are good. All you JERSEY people, I'm going to see Chump play at a place called Rhythm and Brews on Newark-Pompton Turnpike in Pequannock (Zac stop being mr.nonconformist and give them a shot) on Saturday night so COME HANG OUT!
Happy Dec 1st!
I'm sorry.
What school?