1. My first concert was when I was 7 years old, and it was "The Monkees" and the Orange County Fair. I remember Mickey Dolenz putting some chick's underwear on his head. It rocked.
2. My absolute favorite fast food is Taco Bell. I freaking love it. I know it's such crap and it'll easily give somebody the runs, but it rooooooooooocks.
3. I once went into anaphylactic shock. Seriously! (That's where you're really deathly allergic to something and your face blows up and your throat closes and you can't breathe) I had some dumb surgery when I was 19 to remove a varicose vein from my leg, and when they administered the Vancomycin (antibiotic) before my surgery, over the course of 30 seconds I went from chatting with my orderly to not breathing. Except they had already started to sedate me so I was wheezing and laughing at the same time. My face was enormously swollen for 3 days.
4. I still have all the old love notes from my first love in high school. They're in a shoebox at my mom's house. I'm very, very happily married, but somehow I can't bring myself to get rid of them.
5. I can't stand cuddling with people when I go to sleep. It's nice to lay in bed with my husband and watch tv, snuggle a little, but once I start getting sleepy and am planning on falling asleep, get the hell away from me and don't freaking touch me.
6. I hate feet and eyeballs. UGH. My husband tries to skeeve me out by putting his feet on me all the time. EW! I have to clean patients' foot wounds sometimes, and I swap with the other nurses for a nice sacral wound or something really crappy they have to do cuz' I seriously can't stand it. Eye injuries and infections skeeve the crap outta me too.
7. I have done CPR in the ambulance 12 times and never had a save. (Doing it in the hospital doesn't count, we have doctors and code drugs at our fingertips.)
8. I absolutely love pajama pants. The only time I put on something other than pajamas is if I'm actually going someplace where I'll look seriously retarted in them, or I'm going to work/school. And sometimes I even go to school in them. RIght now I'm wearing coral-colored fleece ones with hello kitty all over them.
9. My daughter is doing everything except napping right now. I've gone in her room three times and given the binkie back, turned her off her belly twice, and just went in and put her back in the middle of the crib. I still hear her saying "Da-da-da" over the monitor.
10. Up until Jordan was born, I could never fall asleep at night unless I had a disney movie on. I don't know how my husband put up with that for so long, lol. Now I can't sleep without a fan on, but it's been that way for years.
11. I have a brown belt in Isshin-Ryu karate. I got to fight in their world championships in 1999 because they just happened to come to New Jersey that year. I took a second in Kumite (sparring) and a third in Kata. (In my division) I got thrown in the delaware river by my sensei once.
12. I am a HUGE Yankees fan. And not just since they were winning world series', and not only when they're winning, and not just cuz Derek Jeter is hot. (Although we were born at the same hospital, Chilton Memorial in Pequannock, NJ, the next town over from where I live) I can score a game, speak the lingo, accurately call a strike or ball, and terms like RISP and chin music actually ARE in my daily vocabulary. I know more about baseball than most guys I know.
13. I got to take care of James Gandolfini's father once at my hospital. Due to HIPAA I'm not gonna tell ya what for, but he was a really cool guy and looks nothing like his son. He's actually a maintenance guy at a Bergen County high school.
14. I have HORRENDOUS driving habits. Today on the way to school I was talking on the phone (with my hands free headset of course), eating a sandwich, drinking coffee and looking at the directions to my clinical ALL while in early morning rush hour traffic. I drive like 20 mph over the speed limit everywhere I go, cut people off, curse people out constantly and my worst offense is the MAJOR tailgating I do when someone is driving slower than I want to in the left lane.
15. I have never travelled outside the united states. Actually, other than Arizona and Oklahoma, I've never been off the east coast and never further south than Virginia. Doesn't that suck?
16. If you live in the NY/NJ area, this will make sense to you. I grew up in Vernon, NJ, home of ACTION PARK!!! My first job was selling ice cream there, and on break time we'd all go ride the alpine slide or jump in the wave pool. I remember buying cigarettes from the machine for $2 a pack. In the winter when it was Vernon Valley/Great Gorge ski resort, we'd have snowball fights through the cafeteria. One winter two of the cooks had cockroach races across the grill, to see whose roach got further before it died. I had sex in the supply shed at motor world.
17. The greatest moment of my life wasn't the birth of my daughter, it was the first time I got to see her without her breathing tube. Jordan was a preemie and I had an emergency c-section at 34 weeks, so when they took her out, they wrapped her up, Jim held her for like a second and they whisked her away to the NICU where she then stopped breathing and they coded and intubated her. For the next three days, I could only sit next to her isolette and look at her on the ventilator. On day four they surprised me and when I walked into the NICU, she was breathing on her own. I have felt such complete joy as when they put her in my arms and she opened up her eyes and looked at me. I love her!
(CHRIST is this flipping thing done yet? DAMMIT Libra!)
18. I'm a virgo-libra cusp, and I've always blamed that on my being such a spaz. But the truth is I have Bipolar Disorder, and I wasn't diagnosed until Feb 2004. Then when I learned about all the symptoms, it was like "Ohhhhhhhhh, so THAT'S why I have 6 tattoos, moved to Arizona over a weekend in 2001, and stayed up all night long painting tiny stars all over my walls and ceiling when I was 16!" I'm not some unpredictable spaz and it's not contagious, but I'm really bad when I'm off my meds. I've put my family through some horrible shit when we didn't know what my deal was. Lucky for me, they still love me
(I'm running out of shit here)
19. I hate confrontation. The thought of it gives me horrendous anxiety and I can't deal with it. I will avoid it at all costs, even if it means walking a different way to my floor at work or not showing up for class or something. I can't deal with animosity.
20. I really love animals. I can deal with sick and dying people, but animals makes me so sad it actually makes me cry. I can't tell you how many stupid animal charities that I've given to because I'm such a sucker and these people convince me every time. I once spent $1500 for my youngest cat, Dale, to have hip surgery because he fell and busted it (god knows how) when he was 6 months old. I'd do it 10 more times if I had to.
Well, I can't tag back frickin' libra, so I'm tagging Allie, Smallelaine, Cathedra, Egon, and TarNish.
2. My absolute favorite fast food is Taco Bell. I freaking love it. I know it's such crap and it'll easily give somebody the runs, but it rooooooooooocks.
3. I once went into anaphylactic shock. Seriously! (That's where you're really deathly allergic to something and your face blows up and your throat closes and you can't breathe) I had some dumb surgery when I was 19 to remove a varicose vein from my leg, and when they administered the Vancomycin (antibiotic) before my surgery, over the course of 30 seconds I went from chatting with my orderly to not breathing. Except they had already started to sedate me so I was wheezing and laughing at the same time. My face was enormously swollen for 3 days.
4. I still have all the old love notes from my first love in high school. They're in a shoebox at my mom's house. I'm very, very happily married, but somehow I can't bring myself to get rid of them.
5. I can't stand cuddling with people when I go to sleep. It's nice to lay in bed with my husband and watch tv, snuggle a little, but once I start getting sleepy and am planning on falling asleep, get the hell away from me and don't freaking touch me.
6. I hate feet and eyeballs. UGH. My husband tries to skeeve me out by putting his feet on me all the time. EW! I have to clean patients' foot wounds sometimes, and I swap with the other nurses for a nice sacral wound or something really crappy they have to do cuz' I seriously can't stand it. Eye injuries and infections skeeve the crap outta me too.
7. I have done CPR in the ambulance 12 times and never had a save. (Doing it in the hospital doesn't count, we have doctors and code drugs at our fingertips.)
8. I absolutely love pajama pants. The only time I put on something other than pajamas is if I'm actually going someplace where I'll look seriously retarted in them, or I'm going to work/school. And sometimes I even go to school in them. RIght now I'm wearing coral-colored fleece ones with hello kitty all over them.
9. My daughter is doing everything except napping right now. I've gone in her room three times and given the binkie back, turned her off her belly twice, and just went in and put her back in the middle of the crib. I still hear her saying "Da-da-da" over the monitor.
10. Up until Jordan was born, I could never fall asleep at night unless I had a disney movie on. I don't know how my husband put up with that for so long, lol. Now I can't sleep without a fan on, but it's been that way for years.
11. I have a brown belt in Isshin-Ryu karate. I got to fight in their world championships in 1999 because they just happened to come to New Jersey that year. I took a second in Kumite (sparring) and a third in Kata. (In my division) I got thrown in the delaware river by my sensei once.

12. I am a HUGE Yankees fan. And not just since they were winning world series', and not only when they're winning, and not just cuz Derek Jeter is hot. (Although we were born at the same hospital, Chilton Memorial in Pequannock, NJ, the next town over from where I live) I can score a game, speak the lingo, accurately call a strike or ball, and terms like RISP and chin music actually ARE in my daily vocabulary. I know more about baseball than most guys I know.
13. I got to take care of James Gandolfini's father once at my hospital. Due to HIPAA I'm not gonna tell ya what for, but he was a really cool guy and looks nothing like his son. He's actually a maintenance guy at a Bergen County high school.
14. I have HORRENDOUS driving habits. Today on the way to school I was talking on the phone (with my hands free headset of course), eating a sandwich, drinking coffee and looking at the directions to my clinical ALL while in early morning rush hour traffic. I drive like 20 mph over the speed limit everywhere I go, cut people off, curse people out constantly and my worst offense is the MAJOR tailgating I do when someone is driving slower than I want to in the left lane.
15. I have never travelled outside the united states. Actually, other than Arizona and Oklahoma, I've never been off the east coast and never further south than Virginia. Doesn't that suck?
16. If you live in the NY/NJ area, this will make sense to you. I grew up in Vernon, NJ, home of ACTION PARK!!! My first job was selling ice cream there, and on break time we'd all go ride the alpine slide or jump in the wave pool. I remember buying cigarettes from the machine for $2 a pack. In the winter when it was Vernon Valley/Great Gorge ski resort, we'd have snowball fights through the cafeteria. One winter two of the cooks had cockroach races across the grill, to see whose roach got further before it died. I had sex in the supply shed at motor world.
17. The greatest moment of my life wasn't the birth of my daughter, it was the first time I got to see her without her breathing tube. Jordan was a preemie and I had an emergency c-section at 34 weeks, so when they took her out, they wrapped her up, Jim held her for like a second and they whisked her away to the NICU where she then stopped breathing and they coded and intubated her. For the next three days, I could only sit next to her isolette and look at her on the ventilator. On day four they surprised me and when I walked into the NICU, she was breathing on her own. I have felt such complete joy as when they put her in my arms and she opened up her eyes and looked at me. I love her!
(CHRIST is this flipping thing done yet? DAMMIT Libra!)
18. I'm a virgo-libra cusp, and I've always blamed that on my being such a spaz. But the truth is I have Bipolar Disorder, and I wasn't diagnosed until Feb 2004. Then when I learned about all the symptoms, it was like "Ohhhhhhhhh, so THAT'S why I have 6 tattoos, moved to Arizona over a weekend in 2001, and stayed up all night long painting tiny stars all over my walls and ceiling when I was 16!" I'm not some unpredictable spaz and it's not contagious, but I'm really bad when I'm off my meds. I've put my family through some horrible shit when we didn't know what my deal was. Lucky for me, they still love me
(I'm running out of shit here)
19. I hate confrontation. The thought of it gives me horrendous anxiety and I can't deal with it. I will avoid it at all costs, even if it means walking a different way to my floor at work or not showing up for class or something. I can't deal with animosity.
20. I really love animals. I can deal with sick and dying people, but animals makes me so sad it actually makes me cry. I can't tell you how many stupid animal charities that I've given to because I'm such a sucker and these people convince me every time. I once spent $1500 for my youngest cat, Dale, to have hip surgery because he fell and busted it (god knows how) when he was 6 months old. I'd do it 10 more times if I had to.
Well, I can't tag back frickin' libra, so I'm tagging Allie, Smallelaine, Cathedra, Egon, and TarNish.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it turns out that i was an antibiotic that i was on. i have an appt with a endo next week bracuse of having pcos. i will let you know what happens. your little girl is so beautful!!